
I use a horizontal sheet and just blit a rect with a horizontal offset and 
then some code to advance through the frames. I was thinking of rewriting my 
code as a pygame C extension, but I can't find the time. People have all 
sorts of solutions, but they are all similar so maybe some animation could
find it's way into the pygame library. I'd use specific types to define the 
animation frames and frame list instead of dicts and lists.


On 2008-08-19 (Tue) 14:46, kschnee wrote:
> I've been looking at my sprite code again and finding a different way than
> I'd used for loading animation frames. That is, Pygame.sprite doesn't seem
> to have any way to set up the notion of having multiple frames, and my old
> method involved loading a single "sprite sheet" image and finding a set of
> rect objects refering to sections of the sprite sheet.
> What I'm doing lately involves looking in a graphics directory
> (\graphics\sprites) for text files, loading some info from those, and using
> them to define the rects to be used from a sprite sheet image. The input is
> some simple text files and the images. The output is a dictionary that
> looks like this (for a sheet called "guy" having 4 rows of a 3-frame
> walking animation):
> {"guy":
>   {"frame_size":(96,128),"image":<surface 388x512>,
>    "animations":{ "stand":[ (45,[(0,0,96,128),(96,0,96,128)]) [...] ]}
>   }
> }
> ...Well, something like that! Anyway it's listed by sprite, then by
> animation name (like "stand"), then by some angle that's used to determine
> which frames to use based on the character's facing direction, and finally
> as a list of rects marking the individual animation frames. (An alternative
> method might be to use the text files just to say things like "walk =
> frames 0,1,2,3" and then automatically load frames by number only and trust
> the program using this code to know how to use them.) With this code you
> should be able to auto-load all sprite data on startup and then, for any
> movement angle, look up which frames to cycle through.
> Any interest in this code? What methods do you use to get your sheet
> together?

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