Hypernucleus has too many syllables in my opinion.  But if it's too
late, that's OK I guess.  I would go with a shorter "hyperNuke".  Less
of a spelling problem as well.  But if it's already hypernucleus,
that's fine :)

I also think it would be cool if it could use pypi or even pygame.org
as a backend.  Maybe not at first, but more backends would mean that
people don't have to worry about submitting to hypernuke, or
resubmitting if their game already exists somewhere else.  The problem
with pygame.org is that the fetch mechanism is pretty loose - some
people put a source, some put exe, some just link to their website
where you have to find a download.  So that would need to be sorted
out.  At this point though, I do like browsing the games at pygame.org
a lot.  But having one click to download and play would be a big added

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