Nirav Patel wrote:
It's not necessarily a good idea to have stuff that specific to an app
in a library.  I think it would be good to have the convolution
function built into mask, and leave the rest of the implementation up
to the user.  As for how to deal with the interface for convolving,
perhaps it would be useful to have one of the masks specified as being
the "world", and the other as the object being moved? Something like:
Mask.convolve(world = Mask) returning a mask the size of the world mask.

I think it makes more sense to do it the other way - world.convolve(obj) rather than obj.convolve(world). The two are flips of each other anyway, so it's probably not a big deal. In either case, the output needs to be bigger than both of the inputs (the size of the convolution is the sum of the sizes of the inputs, minus one).

I guess it's not too hard to compute the rects if you're careful.
It would be fairly easy to construct this world mask by using Mask.draw.

Yeah, that's probably best. In fact, I was thinking that I might need to do it that way anyway. The only reason to do it for a collection in one go is that you can avoid allocating all of those intermediate masks, and shifting everything twice. I guess masks are pretty small and shifts are pretty fast so it's not such a big deal.

So here's a revised proposal:

Mask.convolve(other = Mask): return Mask
compute the convolution of self and other. The (x,y) bit of the return value will be set if shifting the lower-right corner of other to position (x,y) would cause it to overlap with self. The return value has size equal to self.getsize() + other.getsize() - (1,1).

(and possibly)
Mask.convolve(other = Mask, world = Mask, offset = (x,y)): return None
Functionally the same as world.union(self.convolve(other), offset) but more efficient

Then the stuff that computes the rectangles and masks for a sprite group would be up to the application developer (i.e. me).

On a side note, does Mask.draw do an "or" or a copy of the two masks? They're probably both useful. Assuming it's a copy, I've used world.union to denote orring the bitmasks.


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