On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Luca <luca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Some weeks ago I saw that my game has some problem with pygame 1.8 but
> I was using pygame 1.7.
> Today I installed 1.8 too and I found the problem.
> In my current approach I draw sometimes transparent surfaces with a fill 
> color:
>   surface = pygame.Surface(size, flags=SRCALPHA, depth=32)
>   surface.fill( (150,150,150) )
>   surface.set_alpha( 0 )
> Ok, this doens't seems very useful, but I don't want to enter in too
> deep details.
> However this was working on old 1.7.1 version... If I change the alpha
> value later (with surface.set_alpha(100) ), I get a demi-transparent
> surface.
> On current 1.8 version the alpha value is ignored If I have a fill
> color... To get a transparency I need to use a RGBA color... but I'm
> almost sure that this wasn't working on pygame 1.7
> ...so now I have an incompatibility.
> Someone can explain me why this is changed? Why the alpha value of a
> surface is dropped from the fill color?

Fixed removing the SRCALPHA flag from the surface... why this difference?

-- luca

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