>As for the splitting the sprites, I considered that. The problem is that when 
>a row is complete (just like in >Tetris), a whole piece that fell wouldn't 
>necessarily disappear, but only part of one. I guess I could separate >each 
>piece into multiple sprites, but that would involve dozens of sprites and I 
>don't think that the tracking >of it would be any better than what I have 
>right now.

It might make collisions, and lining up of colors easier you you did
it something like this:

Have a Block()  object for each of the 'squares' that makes up a
Piece. So the line actually spawns 3 Blocks() right after another, so
it looks like one object. I would find that easier to do collisions
for the more complicated shapes --- unless you are already doing it
this way.


I ran the program, and see it. I tried finding the problem, but I'm
not sure where it is. ( seems kinda random when it does or not show
up. )

I think it's time to re-factor your code. It would make it a lot
clearer, and you'll probably fix the problem in the process.

You might want to grab the shootorial py code I just posted on the
mailing list to use as a template. Then fill in your upate() and
draw() code.

The code includes class Text() which auto-manages a bunch of
pygame.font related things. ( loads font, only re-renders text if
something has changed, etc... )

This lets you do something like:

def loop()
"""Doing a single loop like this, then branching your 'draw' and
'update' functions based on mode can make it clearer to navigate"""
    if mode == 'titlescreen':
        self.text.text = "Rastras"
        self.text.size = 32

    elif mode == "game":
        self.text.text = score
        self.text.size = 16

def draw_titlescreen():
    #draw buttons, etc...

def draw_titlescreen():
    #draw blocks, etc....

# ie: you can do repeated calls to set text to "Rastras", yet it only
needs to render the text once, and blits the cached surface.
hope that helps,

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