I dig the rewriting pygame site in python part. It'd also need a new fresh
theme (that green... arg! my eyes!). Would it be written in Django? I've
been fiddling around with CherryPy (cherrypy.org), and it's quite awesome.
(See pymike.pynguins.com) If you wrote it in CherryPy, I'm pretty sure I
could help some.


On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 2:22 AM, René Dudfield <ren...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> there's a bunch of projects to work on here for pygame 1.9.
> http://www.pygame.org/wiki/todo
> Email back here if you feel like working on any of these things, or
> something else for pygame 1.9 release.
> cu,
> - pygame.Camera - Video for windows version of
> - Remove pyobjc dependency on macosx
> - OSX Scrap clipboard
> - pygame.Camera with quicktime on macosx
> - fix up for py3k
> - fastevent as default event module
> - Keyword method signatures
> - pygame.tests and pygame.examples
> - Complete tests for all untested things.
> - pygame.midi - include portmidi bindings
> - Mark Numeric as depreciated, even more explicitly.
> - New SDL 1.2.x release.
> - pygame reloaded
> On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 11:12 AM, Lenard Lindstrom <le...@telus.net> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > If the Pygame documents are to be included as part of the Pygame
> > installation is there any reason to continue producing document bundles?
> And
> > who is taking responsibility for modifying setup.py to add the documents
> and
> > examples? If it is not on anyone's schedule the I will have a look at it.
> >
> > Lenard
> >
> > --
> > Lenard Lindstrom
> > <le...@telus.net>
> >
> >

- pymike
"Python eggs me on."

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