Probably possible, but it would likely require coding a new renderer
that draws via the X windows api. If someone coded something like that
up, I'd gladly include it.
On Jan 7, 2009, at 10:23 PM, Clinton Lee Taylor wrote:
Semi Off Topic, but related, could this not be used to give funky
effects to one of the many Linux Windows Managers?
2009/1/8 Casey Duncan <>
I'm pleased to announce the 0.8 alpha release of Lepton, a high-
performance, pluggable particle engine and API for Python. It is
designed for creating graphical special effects for games or other
visual applications. The engine is designed to be very flexible and
does not rely on any other libraries directly. You can use it either
with OpenGL (via pyglet, PyOpenGL, wxPython, etc), or with pygame by
selecting the appropriate renderer. Examples are provided using
pyglet and pygame. Although this is an alpha release, I think it is
stable enough to use, and I encourage you to give it a try.