> > 2) Do you have two seperate unittests ? (A) One is ran every time source
> > files are compiled, and a second, (B) slower one is ran at a longer
> interval
> > for slow tests ?
> Such separation is rarely necessary.

Something I started on, requires rendering. It's not a huge delay, but I
don't want it happening every time I hit f5, while the other tests are fast
that they can every time.

I'm not totally sure how I'm going to handle this. For now I'm manually
running the slow one, but.

> "Compiling" is a very nebulous, automatic and invisible step in Python.
> I run the tests whenever I want to get some feedback on my code, and
> also before committing my changes to the source control system (you have
> one, right?)

So for yours, you manually hit a button / click shortcut / whatever to run
tests? None are automatic? ( Or maybe you do on central code check-in
computer. Where it runs fast ones right then, and the slow tests on an
interval. )

I say 'compiling', because I found a method in the python cookbook that says
"you want to ensure your modules tests are run each time your module is

It pretty much does "if module is imported, but not main script, and needs
recompile(because was changed): then run tests"

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