
the pygame.org page has a few pathfinding things here:

Also, using the google search of the pygame website, you can find
games that also use pathfinding in them.

A lot of the classic algorithms are represented... Dijkstra's, A*, and
breadth first.


On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Mike C. Fletcher
<mcfle...@vrplumber.com> wrote:
> John Eikenberry wrote:
>> evil monkey wrote:
>>> I used this AStar in some of my games, and it works very well:
>>> http://www.pygame.org/projects/9/195/
> ...
>> http://zhar.net/projects/gameai/
>> There are a few other python implementations of A* that I know of as well.
>> They are also linked to from that page.
> Productive has a slightly modified (IIRC faster) version of the A* at:
>   http://arainyday.se/projects/python/AStar/
> here:
> http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=projects/productive;a=tree;f=Productive.activity/astar;hb=HEAD
> we wound up using a hybrid system, where we'd try dead reckoning first, then
> try A* .
> Have fun,
> Mike
> --
> ________________________________________________
>  Mike C. Fletcher
>  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder
>  http://www.vrplumber.com
>  http://blog.vrplumber.com

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