So I'm doing the scrap implementation for mac without pyobjc now, and it's
passing unit tests and working fine as far as I can tell, but I am having
trouble seeing how the scrap API for images would be useful to me in
practice, and I'm wondering if I "get it" at all... meaning the whole
SCRAP_PBM/SCRAP_PPM/SCRAP_BMP/tiff stuff. Also, having the small list of
additional types that windows & X11 specific things feels very not
cross-platform of pygame, so I want to make mac support them, but I can't
see how to make that support useful either. To summarize, some parts of the
api for scrap are feeling rather hacky, very not pythonic, and not like
something I'd even try to utilize. So can the list help me understand how
it's not, or help me make it useful?

...So I think the purpose of this scrap stuff is to communicate stuff
between pygame and other apps, right? like say copying a screenshot from
pygame so it can be pasted into photoshop, right? or making it so you can
copy/paste strings from your python windowing toolkits to other apps, right?

Well my big confusion is that as the API user, is that I'd be specifying
what I want with mime-types, and I don't know what that is supposed to mean.
If I'm trying to get stuff from the scrap module, then I want to work with
python/pygame objects, right? When I say "image/bmp", am I saying give me
the image as an image/bmp, or am I saying only give me images if they are
image/bmp? Also, why would it be an advantage to me as a pygame user to say
I want SCRAP_PBM vs. SCRAP_BMP? do I really care at all? Isn't it true that
I really just want a surface, and any PBM/tiff/BMP string intermediate step
is just extra work I have to do? Likewise for putting stuff into the scrap -
I would think that as a pygame user I just want to put my surface on the
clipboard in whatever way is best for the platform, right? meaning paste it
so it can go into ms paint/photoshop on windows, and paste it so it can go
into gimp/icon composer/photoshop on the mac, and it can go into gimp on
linux, right? Does a pygame user really want to specify the precise
clipboard type, here? Isn't this just an opportunity to get the clipboard
format "wrong" (meaning it can't be pasted into common apps) for a
particular platform?

For strings/text, I have minor but similar confusions -  I'm a bit confused
by some minor string stuff as well - what is it supposed to mean in I
specify "text/plain" vs. "text/plain;charset=utf-8"? Am I specifying the
format that I'd like things returned or am I saying I only want this text if
it adheres to utf-8? Also, what encoding is text/plain supposed to mean? Why
not instead just have pygame have a defined encoding for text copy/pasted
and make it the pygame lib's responsibility to adhere to it? (for instance,
why not just say it's always utf-8 in and out, until python 3.0 where we say
it's always unicode?)

some other little questions:
* the selection thing - what's it actually used for? what does it mean to
copy and paste a selection? is there anybody anywhere who copies and pastes
"selections" in/out of a pygame app? does it make sense for "selections" to
be portable between pygame apps and other apps? If this is not something
useful to pygame apps, but instead is an idiosyncrosy of X11 that just has
to be handled, can we just make it handled automatically instead of being
part of the API?
* so what does pygame.scrap.lost mean? in what cases will the scrap be lost?
when it is lost, what is the action a pygame script would take to fix it?
why not just have each specific platform check for "lostness" if the
platform requires it, and automatically fix the problem if it occurs? When
and why would I care if it's "lost" in a pygame app?
* the unit test for scrap puts image.tostring into the scrap as a SCRAP_BMP
and gets it out as the same - however the windows code for scrap put appears
to strip off a BMP image header for SCRAP_BMP, and adds a BMP header back in
when getting things. So in that case, the unit test and windows source
appear to be rather at odds - so which is right?

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