Hey Erisvaldo!

Your first task would be to summarize all the features that people think is a 
"must have" for a scene.

I think the sprites could be removed from PyGame, just keep the collision code.
Rects need to be float, not int, or have two types, int's won't cut it for more 
advanced collision math.
Then rewrite the collision library to use vectors, calculate penetration depths 
and support more shapes.
That would be well worth the effort and could be reused for the physics engine 
and any scene manager.

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but never able to muster up the 
strength to do it. :)


On 2009-03-18 (Wed) 21:21, Erisvaldo Junior wrote:
> Hi,
> My name is Erisvaldo, I'm 21, graduated in Internet Systems (2006-2008) and 
> last year student of Computer Science at UFPB (Brazil).
> I have some experiencie with game development, mainly with mobile games 
> (JavaME), but also have used many engines like HGE, Pygame and some 3D ones 
> (Crystal Space, Ogre and Irrlicht).
> I would like to help improving Sprite system of PyGame and also add a generic 
> scene system to the engine. Is there anyone working on it at the moment? How 
> can I apply for this?
> If someone could give me some tips of how should I make my proposal I would 
> appreciate. A list of desired features is also appreciated.
> Thank you all,
> Erisvaldo Junior.
> Contact: erisvaldojun...@gmail.com
> Website: http://erisvaldojunior.com

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