Haha, point taken. Sorry about that. As a student, I think that one or
the other would make a good project, as both would be too much work.


On Mar 19, 4:21 pm, Michael George <mdgeo...@cs.cornell.edu> wrote:
> Tyler Laing wrote:
> > Hi,
> > That sounds remarkably like Bittorrent. If you check the internet
> > archive or other sites, you should be able to find the Python code for
> > Bittorrent before it was closed.
> I agree - it's very like bittorrent, but with different properties.  
> With BitTorrent every client wants a complete replica, whereas with user
> rated content, we'd be happy if lower-rated content only resided on the
> hosts that specifically cared about it.  We can afford to be much
> fuzzier here.> About server discovery, my concern is that most systems can be 
> easily
> > polluted with malicious entries. Look at all the issues with DNS
> > (which is pretty much exactly what you propose), and what needs to be
> > done to prevent ARP poisoning attacks. Any such system would have to
> > be designed  to distribute the authentication in a secure way. And if
> > attackers have control over one or more nodes, it can be difficult to
> > ensure authority and correctness without a centralized server, hence
> > the Root DNS nodes.
> The difference from DNS is that DNS answers the question of "find me the
> host named x" whereas we would want "find me some nearby servers to pick
> from".  Malicious entries would be much less of a concern - the worst
> damage you could do would be to either prevent a game server from
> showing up or to always make your own server look good.  Neither attack
> is nearly as interesting as, for example, making yourself look like a bank.> 
> It sounds like some interesting ideas, but the problems are ones that
> > still stump PhD's...
> As a PhD in training, maybe that's why I think these things would be cool :)> 
> -Tyler
> --Mike

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