Hello all!

Firstly, let me introduce myself - my name is Ivan Popov and I am a
PhD student in Bioinformatics. However, I have the hobby of writing
Python programs and as a home project I have created my own RLRPG. You
can find some information about it on http://artisan.hit.bg.

I'd like to enter  the Google Summer of Code as a student with one of
the Pygame projects. Unfortunately the project in question - "Improved
sprite and scene system" still doesn't have a mentor assigned. Thus I
am writing to ask if there is anyone willing to be my mentor for the
project. I haven't used any graphics in a game, so it will be
interesting to do.

Conversely, if no mentor is available, I'd like to work on the
"pgreloaded example suite". I'll be happy to study pgreloaded and
build a set of helpful examples.

I am very comfortable with writing Python code, and have some experience in C++.

I am looking forward to hearing any suggestions and advice and working
in the Pygame community!


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