
I don't know if that is enough for a 3 month project.  Perhaps a few
more things could be added.


On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:02 PM, Orcun Avsar <orc....@gmail.com> wrote:
> its only little time left for submiting deadline but i want to share
> quickly my ideas with you about AI module and i can work for a
> proposal. I red some discussions about this on the mailing list. Here
> is my opinion. A* algorithm is not a very hard thing to write. Porting
> it from C may make it faster but i think main question here how to
> make it more usable. It should be used with minimal effort. Finding
> shortest way is not as good as finding shortest way in shortest time
> but algorithm or code can be healed, changed in future but usage must
> be same and good. I plan to write a astar pathfinding module that is
> practical to use.
> something like first registering sprites or rects to module(rect
> objects have coordinates and size ). Rect objects are general with all
> games and this is better than creating a matrix or scanning a surface
> for colorkeys.
> pathfinder.register( user.rect )
> pathfinder.register( enemy.rect )
> pathfinder.register( house.rect )
> and any time using some function like this  pathfinder.findway
> (start=user.rect,dest=house.rect)
> and it can return a result like node points of shortest path like
> (  (12,32), (12,300), (400,300)  ) that each node consist of x and y

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