
I did as you recommended my application with some changes (mainly changeing 
the focus from pygame to general use with pygame as a usecase).

It seems though that I can't publicly link to my proposal. 
Can the Mentors review the submitted student applications?

If I get accepted it's going to be an very exciting summer...


On Thu, 2 Apr 2009 12:31:22 +1100, René Dudfield <ren...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> yes, submit it to:
> http://socghop.appspot.com/
> under "Python Software Foundation" now.
> You are allowed to make changes after you have submitted it.  So just
> submit now, and we can give feedback later.
> Your proposal looks pretty good(I only gave it a quick read so far).
> The main feedback I can give now is that perhaps try and make your
> proposal for types available to be included in python as well -- not
> just pygame.  Also perhaps mention what underlying types they will be
> for (python float,   c float, c double, 32bit fixed etc).
> cheers,
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Lorenz Quack <d...@amberfisharts.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello pygamers,
>> as I wrote a few weeks ago I'm also interested in the math project for
> this
>> years GSoC. I know I'm a bit late for feedback but if you have some it
>> definitely is still welcome!
>> Am I correctly assuming that I should submit this via the GSoC homepage
> to
>> the "Python Software Foundation" by Friday April 3rd 19:00 UTC?
>> sincerely yours
>> Lorenz
>> So here is my application:
>> Student Application to Google Summer of Code 2009
>> Name: Lorenz Quack
>> Contact Information:
>>    email: d...@amberfisharts.com
>>    ICQ  : 149873705
>> Time Zone: UTC+1
>> Preferred Language: English, German
>> Time Commitment:
>>    I roughly estimate that I could spend about 20-30 hours a week on
>>    this project with development mainly happening on weekends.
>>    This summer I have to work on my thesis (German: Diplomarbeit).
>>    Furthermore I'm teaching C++ at university which will take some
>>    time to prepare for.
>>    Nevertheless I am confident that I can complete this project this
>>    summer while maintaining high quality.
>> Programming Experience:
>>    I took some programming classes at school and really got into C++
>>    in 2003 when I joined the amberfisharts [1] team. There I first
>>    worked on the engine especially the pathfinding algorithm.
>>    I was also lead developer on the savage [2] engine which is a
>>    flexible 2D game engine written in pure python with a pygame
> backend.
>>    Furthermore I was involved in the development of pyphant [3] a
>>    framework for visual data analysis.
>>    Besides that I have committed some patches to various open source
>>    projects including python and pygame.
>>    My experience in numbers:
>>       C++ 5 years
>>       python 4 years
>>       pygame 3 years
>> Other skills:
>>    I'm studying theoretical physics so I guess you could count that as
>>    having some math knowledge.
>> About my project:
>>    I want to implement some math functionality (especially linear
> algebra)
>>    as a python C extension for inclusion into the pygame package.
>>    It should provide vector and matrix types in two, three and four
>>    dimensions. In addition quaternions should also be included for
> their
>>    special usefulness for rotations.
>>    To ensure a seamless integration into pygame I would pay special
>>    attention to the new types interoperability with built-in types
>>    e.g. vectors should smoothly interact with other sequence types.
>>    Also the existing pygame modules should then be changed to take
> advantage
>>    of these new types and accept them as arguments to function calls
> and
>>    return them where appropriate.
>>    A test suite is considered mandatory.
>> The need for this project:
>>    While I was working on savage [2] I often found myself in need of
>>    some vector math. I believe that this need is virtually universal
> in
>>    game development so having an standard implementation written as an
>>    C extension for speed seems natural.
>>    Using other existing packages like numpy often seems overkill and
> their
>>    API is too complex since they are targeting a much broader audiance
>>    with much richer functionality than what is usually needed for game
>>    development.
>> Rough time line:
>>    20. April  -  8. May   : Assess the needed functionality in
> cooperation
>>                             with the community and the
> mentor.
>>     9. May    - 22. May   : Develop the API.
>>    23. May    - 27. July  : Write a feature complete implementation
> with
>>                             test suite.
>>    28. July   - 10. August: Optimize the implementation.
>>    11. August - 17. August: Clean up code, test suite and
> documentation.
>> Origin of this proposal:
>>    I was actually working on this when I stumbled upon the pygame GSoC
>>    website [4]. There they suggested exactly this project as an GSoC
> entry.
>> Further notes:
>>    I already started work on this project which might compensate for
>>    my estimated workload falling a bit short of the expected 40 hours
>>    pensum.
>> [1] http://www.amberfisharts.com
>> [2] http://sourceforge.net/projects/savage
>> [3] http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyphant/
>> [4] http://pygame.org/wiki/gsoc2009ideas

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