And that works! Fantastic, thank you gentlemen for all the assistance. Much


On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:22 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <> wrote:

> python build --compiler=mingw32 install
> allows multiple steps, like build and install, to be listed in one
> command. The install option doesn't recognize the --compiler option, but the
> build option. The build option, which install uses when need, does recognize
> --compiler. I once submitted a Python bug report about install and
> --compiler, but accepted this work around.
> Lenard
> yler Laing wrote:
>> Thanks guys, I've got it all working now. The second step with:
>> python --compiler=mingw32 install
>> throws an error, saying that --compiler is not recognized.
>> -Tyler
>> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Lenard Lindstrom <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>    This would be from a patch makes to work around
>>    freetypes being built in strict mode, that is, no extensions like
>>    'inline'. The MinGW stdlib.h has an inlined function, causing the
>>    compile to fail. I believe René used a different fix from mine. So
>>    to disable mine edit and comment out line 549
>>    with a '#':
>>     export CPPFLAGS="-Dinline=__inline__ $CPPFLAGS"
>>    If that fails with some error about 'inline' not recognized then
>>    the MinGW header include\stdlib.h will have to be edited on line
>>    317 to replace 'inline' with '__inline__'. By the way, which
>>    version of gcc are you using? This gave me no problems with gcc 3.4.5.
>>    Lenard
>>    Tyler Laing wrote:
>>        Okay, it compiled both SDL and zlib, but it failed on
>>        freetype. Here's the error message:
>>        from <snip> freetype-2.3.7/src/base/ftsysem.c:29:
>>        <snip>../include/stdlib.h:317: error: syntax error before "double"
>>        Right now I'm compiling the rest, so we'll see if there's any
>>        other errors.
>>        -Tyler
>>        On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 5:49 PM, René Dudfield
>>        < <>
>>        < <>>> wrote:
>>           hi,
>>           try this:
>>           python --all
>>           then this:
>>           python build --compiler=mingw32 install
>>           On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:18 AM, Tyler Laing
>>        < <>
>>           < <>>>
>>        wrote:
>>               I'm sorry if I seem dense throughout all of this, XD.
>>        Okay, so
>>               I take your package there, unzip it. I copy the pygame
>>        source
>>               code trunk into there. I then use the windows cmd, and
>>        cd into
>>               that directory, and run python --compiler=mingw32
>>               install ?
>>               I'm sorry, but you're going to need explicate more
>>        steps, and
>>               that, because nothing is working for me. Doing the above,
>>               after I removed mingw32, and msys, then reinstalled
>>        them, then
>>               unzipped the msyscore archive in the msys directory to
>>        update
>>               to 1.0.11, I get this:
>>               Hunting dependencies....
>>               /bin/sh/ : sdl-config: No such directory or file
>>               WARNING: "sdl-config" failed!
>>               /bin/shL smpeg-config: No such directory or file
>>               WARNING: "smpeg-config" failed!
>>               Normally things work for me, but I'm having a lot of
>>        trouble
>>               here, because nothing is clear, and Windows has the worst
>>               command-line utility around. This is by no means a
>>               condemnation of you guys, just that you guys are expecting
>>               more out of me, and its just not happening.
>>               -Tyler
>>               On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 4:34 PM, René Dudfield
>>               < <>
>>        < <>>> wrote:
>>                   hi,
>>                   try this:
>>        <>
>>                         <
>>                   They are the installers for mingw stuff I last
>>        installed
>>                   on my windows machine to compile pygame.  Other people
>>                   have used those to successfully compile it too... so it
>>                   should work.
>>                   Also, if you get the dependency sources that Lenard
>>                   collected on his page in one bundle:
>>                   I think the directory structure matters too:
>>                   # directory with all the source deps in it:
>>                   pygame/
>>                   # the trunk is here:
>>                   pygame/PyGame/
>>                   cu,
>>                   On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 8:39 AM, Tyler Laing
>>                   < <>
>>        < <>>> wrote:
>>                       Unfortunately, it doesn't work. Does anyone have a
>>                       better guide or series of steps to compiling
>>        pygame?
>>                       Those steps should include properly install
>>        msys and
>>                       associated packages. If not, I'll go over and start
>>                       using the prebuilts. Thanks for the effort Lenard.
>>                       -Tyler
>>                       On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 2:55 PM, Lenard Lindstrom
>>                       < <>
>>        < <>>> wrote:
>>                           Did you install the Msys autoconf, automake
>>        and m4
>>                           packages from sourceforge? They are found under
>>                           the MSYS Supplementary section of the MinGW
>>                           download page. I suggest using the most recent
>>                           versions available.
>>                           Lenard
>>                           Tyler Laing wrote:
>>                               Its failing on SDL. I tried running
>>                      in the directory, and this
>>        is what
>>                               I got. I just made sure all the extra
>>        packages
>>                               had been extracted to where they should
>>        be...
>>                               including the update automake, autoconf
>>        and m4
>>                               tars.
>>                               $ ./
>>                               Generating build information using autoconf
>>                               This may take a while ...
>>                               Can't locate object method "path" via
>>        package
>>                               "Request" (perhaps you forgot to load
>>                               "Request"?) at
>>                               /usr/share/autoconf/Autom4te/
>>        line 69,
>>                               <GEN1> line 111.
>>                               Couldn't find autoconf, aborting
>>                               On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Lenard
>>                               Lindstrom <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>
>>                               <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>>> wrote:
>>                                  Which package are you trying to build.
>>                               Unless the thing crashed
>>                                  completely should
>>        have
>>                               displayed a listing at
>>                                  the end showing where it stalled,
>>        that is,
>>                               it will show which DLL
>>                                  were not installed. The packages taken
>>                               straight form SVN may not
>>                                  have a .configure file.
>>                               will create those
>>                                  automatically for SDL, SDL_mixer and
>>        smpeg.
>>                               If any other packages
>>                                  were taken from SVN then it will
>>        fail. To
>>                               manually create a
>>                                  configure file start the Msys
>>        console, go
>>                               into the package's root
>>                                  directory and type './'.
>>                                  Anyway, the general Unix steps
>>                      takes to
>>                                  installing a package are:
>>                                  ./   # only for SVN packages
>>                                  ./configure
>>                                  make
>>                                  make install
>>                                  strip /usr/local/bin/<lib-name>.DLL
>>                                  The msys shell scripts run to build the
>>                               packages are found at the
>>                                  end of
>>                                  Lenard
>>                                  Tyler Laing wrote:
>>                                      Okay, thanks! It went past that, but
>>                               now its getting an error
>>                                      that says:
>>                                      /bin/sh: line 17: ./configure:
>>        No such
>>                               file or directory
>>                                      Any idea whats going on here?
>>                                      On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 11:18 AM,
>>                               Lenard Lindstrom
>>                                      <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>
>>                               <
>>        <> <
>>        <>>>
>>                                      <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>
>>                               <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>>>> wrote:
>>                                         Hi Tyler,
>>                                         I wrote
>>        and look
>>                               after the Windows
>>                                         dependencies. I haven't seen this
>>                               error before. I run the
>>                                      program
>>                                         on both Win 98 and XP. If you are
>>                               using Msys 1.0.10 try
>>                                      upgrading
>>                                         to 1.0.11. I only user 1.0.10
>>                               because 1.0.11 doesn't work
>>                                      on Win
>>                                         98 and I have limited access
>>        to XP.
>>                               Msys 1.0.11 will be
>>                                      needed to
>>                                         build ffmpeg anyway, since
>>        the bash
>>                               shell in 1.0.10 is
>>                                      apparently
>>                                         too old for the ffmpeg configure
>>                               script. If you continue having
>>                                         problems then just use the
>>        prebuilt
>>                               dependencies for now:
>>                                           (for Python 2.4-2.5)
>>                                         (md5sum
>>                               0c9b5c65dbd10b5469d2523cf58b7890)
>>                                           (for Python 2.6-3.x)
>>                                         (md5sum
>>                               8dcd7e7c840d656c3ca7576095777c81)
>>                                         Install the prebuilt
>>        directory into
>>                               the Pygame root
>>                                      directory, run
>>                                and answer 'n' to msys
>>                               built, 'y' to use prebuilts.
>>                                         I suppose now I must really
>>        try to
>>                               get ffmpeg built.
>>                                         Lenard
>>                                         Tyler Laing wrote:
>>                                             Not python under cygwin.
>>        Thats a
>>                               leftover string from msys
>>                                             using cygwin code. The
>>        command I
>>                               was trying to execute was
>>                                             python
>>        --all
>>                                             Python is installed. Msys is
>>                               installed, but throwing
>>                                      that error.
>>                                             And no worries. I just wasn't
>>                               clear enough. :)
>>                                             -Tyler
>>                                             On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 10:24
>>                               AM, Evan Kroske
>>                                             <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>
>>                               <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>>
>>                                      <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>
>>                               <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>>>
>>                                                   <mailto:
>> <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>
>>                               <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>>
>>                                      <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>
>>                               <
>>        <>
>>                               <
>>        <>>>>>> wrote:
>>                                                Tyler Laing wrote:
>>                                                    <snip />
>>                                                    The error says that it
>>                               "Couldn't reserve space
>>                                      for cygwin's
>>                                                    heap, Win32 error
>>        6" when
>>                               sh.exe was executed.
>>                                                Why are you trying to
>>        install
>>                               Python under CygWin?
>>                                      From what I
>>                                                understand, most
>>        programmers
>>                               consider that a
>>                                      separate platform
>>                                                from Windows. You should
>>                               probably try to install the
>>                                      native
>>                                                windows version,
>>        instead of
>>                               the linux version
>>                                      running under
>>                                                cygwin. Sorry if I
>>                               misunderstood you.
>>                               --                        Visit my blog
>>        at
>>                       --                Visit my blog at
>>               --        Visit my blog at
>>        --        Visit my blog at
>> --
>> Visit my blog at

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