On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 08:17:11AM -0700, Tyler Laing wrote:
> Happens to everyone. It takes time(10 years or 10,000 hours) to get
> good at something. I'm at about year 6-7 and I find while I still make
> silly mistakes, I've become much better at catching them before or
> during testing.  :)

Silly mistakes never go away.

With experience you begin to expect them and check your assumptions more

There have been countless times I've written unit tests for tiny
functions that I couldn't possibly have written wrong, only to discover
that I have in fact made a silly mistake.

Marius Gedminas
I'm unaware of anyone having implemented even a fraction of H.323 in Python.
Doing so would require a special kind of dedication, and quite possibly a large
amount of whiskey and prescription medication.
        -- Anthony Baxter

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