On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 06:32:12PM +0200, Lorenz Quack wrote:
>>>  v.isNormalized() -> bool
>>>  v.normalize() -> None    # normalizes inplace
>>>  v1.normalized() -> v2    # returns normalized vector
>> In my opinion normalize() and normalized() are far too ambiguous. We
>> might should use something like ip_XXX() for inplace operations:
>>   v.ip_normalize () -> None
>>   v.normalize () -> v2
>> We do that naming already for Rect objects and should take care of doing
>> that anywhere where inplace operations happen. The same then applies to
>> the rest of your inplace methods.
> hm. ok. but the ip is after the name: v.normalize_ip()

When I see 'ip', I cannot stop thinking about IP addresses.

I think .normalize() vs .normalized() is clear enough, and also follows
the convention set by Python builtins (list.sort() vs sorted()).

And if vectors are immutable, this question becomes moot.

>>> 1.6 properties
>>> ==============
>>>  v.length -> a # gets the magnitude/length of the vector
>>>  v.length = a
>>>           # sets the length of the vector while preserving its direction
>> The setter might be risky due to rounding issues.
> true, but I think this can be very usefull. and I can live with the fact that
> v.length = 1.
> v.length == 1.  # -> false
> when dealing with floating point variables you have to expect weird 
> behavior like this.

I used to think that way.  Then I read _What Every Computer Scientist
Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic_ and understood that floats
are very predictable if you understand them.

(I still don't understand them. *wink*)

>>> 1.7 comparison operations
>>> =========================
>>> 1.7.0    the "==" and "!=" and "bool" operater compare the differences 
>>> against
>>>           the attribute v._epsilon. this way the user can adjust the 
>>> accuracy.
>>>  v == s -> bool
>>>           # true if all component differ at most by v._epsilon
>> How am I as user supposed to manipulate _epsilon? It should be made public.
> well. I thought you rarely want to twiddle with this so I marked it 
> private. I  thought the normal user doesn't want to be bothered with this 
> and the pro can access it.

I'm kind of expecting some expert to pop in and explain how this breaks
mathematical properties of equality (v1 == v2 and v2 == v3 no longer
implies v1 == v3) and how this could result in bugs and pain in real
life code.

>>> 1.8 misc
>>> ======================
>>> 1.8.1  support iter protocol
>>> 1.8.2  str(v) -> "[x, y, z]"
>>> 1.8.3  repr(v) -> "Vec<x, y, z>"
>> Most objects have the same output for str() and repr(). Why do you
>> differ here?
> with repr I wanted to make explicitly clear that this is not a list but I 
> thought that the normal str() would look nicer that way. what would you  
> suggest? "[x, y, z]" for both (or "(x, y, z)" if we choose to make 
> vectors immutable) or "Vector3d<x, y, z>"?

I'm +0.95 for distinct __str__ and __repr__.  str is what you show your
users and should be short and clear, while repr is what you give the
programmers who're debugging and therefore exact types matter.

>>> 1.10 open questions (in no particular order)
>>> ============================================
>>> 1.10.1  a) use radians for all angles
>>>          b) use degrees for all angles
>> Degrees, I'd say. The api should be easy to use and letting users
>> calculate the rad values before is not that intuitive.

math.radians(180) is not intuitive?  Well, maybe.  You have to know it's

(Can I mention math.hypot?  Nobody knows about math.hypot.  It's a
modest little function that deserves more fame than it gets.)

> I just checked: unfortunately pygame seems to be inconsistent: 
> transform.rotate use degrees and draw.arc uses radians.

Does transform.rotate rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise?  Pydoc
doesn't say.

>>>   * __abs__
>>>     pyeuclid returns the magnitude.
>>>     3DVectorType returns vec3d(abs(x), abs(y), abs(z))
>>>     vectypes and this proposal don't implement __abs__ to avoid confusion
>> I'd expect abs() to get the magnitude/length, too.
> I don't so to avoid confusion I wouldn't implement it at all. how do 
> other people feel about this?

I'd expect len(v) to return its length, but (1) that would be a horrible
abuse of the sequence protocol, and (2) Python doesn't allow __len__ to
return a non-integer value, thankfully.

I didn't even know/had forgotten all about __abs__.

> thanks again for the quite thorough feedback.

Thanks for the comprehensive proposal.

Marius Gedminas
User n.:
        A programmer who will believe anything you tell him.

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