
I am installing the latest version of pygame on svn,
so I can start coding on my camera module. I am
installing it under virtualenv so I can keep using
the stable pygame release for my current games.

I recently reseaved a svn account for the pygame
svn repository. How do you sugest I use this account
during the development prossess, should I use it to
commit all my changes to the main brange, or should
I make a personal brange just for my work on the
camera module. Can I use my github account instead,
if so, what must I do with the changes and bug
fixel to the main pygame development brange.

When I try to compile the pygame version with help
of the MacSVNCompile doc I get the following error:

$ python config.py

Hunting dependencies...
Framework SDL found
Framework SDL_ttf found
Framework SDL_image found
Framework SDL_mixer found
Framework smpeg found
PNG     : found
JPEG    : found
SCRAP   : not found
PORTMIDI: not found
Framework CoreMidi found

$ python setup.py build


ld warning: in /opt/local/lib/libpng.a, file is not of required architecture ld warning: in /opt/local/lib/libjpeg.a, file is not of required architecture ld: in /opt/local/lib/libz.1.dylib, file is not of required architecture for architecture ppc
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
lipo: can't open input file: /var/folders/sd/sdb8APIWH4qmd53S-O6k8k++ +TI/-Tmp-//cct7zCL5.out (No such file or directory)
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1

In case i should matter, I use fink instead of macports.
Any idea on how to solve this.

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