On, Fri May 22, 2009, Daniel McNeese wrote:

> Thanks for the binary installer, Marcus.  It worked!
> The documentation is not quite ready for prime time, though:

> 1) I couldn't find a list of sdlconst.WHATEVER entries, for example,
> so I can't look up the constants for various things.  I know from
> playing with sample code that sdlconst.K_ESCAPE refers to the escape
> key, sdlconst.K_SPACE is the space key and so forth.  But sdlconst.K_A
> doesn't refer to the "a" key.
> Lists for such things would be useful.
Right - and as you know, anything's still work in progress. Keep in
mind, though, that you also can use the SDL documentation for most of
the pygame2.sdl related stuff.

> 2) I'm currently looking at the section on events, and the lack of
> descriptions for the attributes that go with various event types is
> confusing.  
> For example, the JOYBUTTONUP and JOYBUTTONDOWN events both list four
> attributes: which, joy, button and state.  It's obvious to me that one
> must refer to the number of the joystick and another to the number of
> the button on that joystick (I'm guessing joy and button,
> respectively), but what do the others refer to?

Same as above, that's still work in progress, but you also can refer to
the SDL documentation about the events.

However keep posting suh glitches as they will help us to track issues
with the documentation, where we might have overseen them.

> 3) While I'm at it, a bug report for the example code "simple.py" in
> the physics folder.  I presume that the falling box is supposed to hit
> the platform and slide down it, but instead it simply passes right
> through with no collision.

The pygame2.physics code is still incomplete, but being worked on.


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