
I will be using github: http://github.com/ab3/pygame-mirror/tree/master

If you like I can make a weekly commit to svn...



just in case anyone missed it, each of the GSOC participants have a blog up now: Tyler Laing will improve the movie support in pygame, by adding an ffmpeg-based module (blog). http://www.oddco.ca/zeroth/zblog/ Vicent Marti will improve font handling using the freetype library (blog). http://www.bellverde.org/gsoc Werner Laurensse will improve the new camera module and add MacOS X support for it (blog). http://abeocracy.tumblr.com/

So if you'd like to follow along with their developments, drop by to their blogs!

Or you can follow their progress in svn:

Tyler Laing:

Vicent Marti:

Werner Laurensse:
not sure where Werners repository is? Using git? Perhaps a branch can be set up in svn where you could publish to once a week or so? Werner/Nirav, do you have a link?


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