Hi once more,

Lenard Lindstrom wrote:

Hi René,

René Dudfield wrote:

any reason why we can't do an pygame1.9.0rc1 release the end of this weekend?

Hopefully that OSX sysfont bug has been fixed, and I've almost
finished all the midi tests.  After that I'm going to try and work
through a few bugs... but nothing that should slow our release for.

The idea would be to release it, then ask more people to test... and
do any bug fixes for another week... then another rc2 release, and
hopefully release pygame1.9 the week after(in less than two weeks).

How about the python3/symbian ports?  Would you like more time?  Or
are they in good enough shape for now?

I think hopefully we should aim to get the pygame 1.9.1 release done
in the next 3-6 months?  With one aim to get GSOC work released.
Perhaps even before the end of the GSOC period... but I'm not sure
yet.  What do you think?  I guess we can talk about our plans for
"what's next" after the 1.9 release.

The Python3 part is unfinished, but good enough for basic stuff. There are some unresolved issues concerning files. And the unicode encodings used are hardcoded. This should be reviewed. Marcus posted that he has worked out the file problem in pgreloaded.

I don't know about a release candidate this weekend. I have been writing unit tests for gfxdraw and found something that needs attention. It is not a serious, but could involve several modules. I will let you know when I have finished.


I was mistaken about there being a problem. I have committed what changes I wanted to include. So I am ready for rc1.


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