> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-pygame-us...@seul.org [mailto:owner-pygame-us...@seul.org]
> On Behalf Of jug
> Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 10:31 AM
> To: pygame-users@seul.org
> Subject: Re: [pygame] pygweb milestone 1 released
> Hi Nirav
> > One thing I would suggest is having some kind of navigation from the
> > Trac parts of the site back into the Django parts of the site.  A
> > header bar perhaps, or even integrating the trac part into the rest
> of
> > the site like http://edgewall.org or http://djangoproject.com do.
> >
> Sure. Trac is not yet really integrated. Its just running at /dev/ and
> uses
> same user accounts. We concentrated on main website first, to get the
> projects system running etc. Also, we are more or less inexperienced
> with customizing Trac. So if someone here knows Trac a bit better,
> please answer!

I would say I fit that bill. Let me know if there is something you need
poked with a stick.


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