Update: Patches work fine on my 64-bit machine.

d...@amberfisharts.com wrote:
the last attachment didn't make it in. here it is.

On Tue, 7 Jul 2009 13:28:18 +0200, <d...@amberfisharts.com> wrote:

I'm getting the feeling that either there are quite some bugs in the
surface_test code or that I don't get what's going on.

first I looked at the failing test I mentioned before (~line 104):

    def make_surf(bpp, flags, masks):
        pygame.Surface((10, 10), flags, bpp, masks)
    self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, make_surf, 32, 0,
                          (0xFF000000, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0))

and saw no good reason why the call to make_surf should raise an
Please tell me if I'm wrong here.

So then I thought maybe it's not a bug with 64-bit machines but rather
with 32-bit ones and indeed I found a suspicious piece of code in base.c
(line 335):

        *val = (Uint32) PyInt_AsLong (intobj);

if the intobj is negative (like 0xFF000000) the result won't be as
I changed that function (UintFromObj) to use a PyLong instead of a PyInt
and then call PyLong_AsUnsignedLong (patch attached).

Again: If my assumption that the unit test should not raise that
ValueError is wrong this might be a moot point.

with this patch applied the ValueError is not raised but then two other
test in surface_test.py fail. namely test_blit_blend_rgba and

I first looked into test_blit_blend_rgba and found the function
surf_get_masks to be questionable. the Py_BuildValue uses "i" as format
characters which represent ints using "I" for unsigned int makes the Error
go away (patch attached).

last but not least test_blit_blend. My suspicion is that the intify helper
function screws things up. I also attached a patch with my idea of an
intify function.

with all the patches applied all test pass except for test_flags (because
of the UintFromObj.patch) so I also attached a patch which fixes the test
(and renames it to test_masks because that is what is tested and not the

Note that I didn't test these patches on my 64-bit machine yet.
I'll let you know as soon as I've done so.

Please let me know if I got something wrong.


On Tue, 07 Jul 2009 00:40:39 +0200, Lorenz Quack <d...@amberfisharts.com>

yup. the color test now pass.
the failing midi is not really a bug as I don't have portmidi.
I haven't looked into the failing surface test, yet.

René Dudfield wrote:

the Color 64bit errors are fixed.  A combination of testing against
LONG_MAX, and using Uint32.

Committed revision 2472.


On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 11:52 PM, Hugo Arts <hugo.yo...@gmail.com
<mailto:hugo.yo...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 2:55 PM, <d...@amberfisharts.com
    <mailto:d...@amberfisharts.com>> wrote:
     > Hi,
     > On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 09:48:48 +1000, René Dudfield
    <ren...@gmail.com <mailto:ren...@gmail.com>> wrote:
     >> Cool, thanks for the testing.
     >> On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Lorenz
    Quack<d...@amberfisharts.com <mailto:d...@amberfisharts.com>> wrote:
     >>> Ok, so here goes my analysis of the failures in ColorTypeTest:
     >>> In src/color.c line 1435 (and some following lines) we bit
    shift each
     >> color
     >>> component and stuff them
     >>> in an unsigned long.
     >> Maybe this should be into a uint32 instead?
     > Yes, that would correspond to my solution 1) only better because
    it ensures that it will have exactly 32 bit.
     > BTW, are these types uint32, UInt8, ... in the C-standard?
     > yours
     > //Lorenz

    No. ANSI C only defines the char, int, float, and double types,
    with the short/long and signed/unsigned modifiers.
    The sizes of these types are not defined in the standard. ANSI only
    gives some minimum sizes, and mandates that

    short int <= int <= long int
    float <= double <= long double

    So, in theory, the size of your int type is completely platform
    dependent. In practice nearly every modern compiler uses the same
    char = 8, int = 32, float = 32, double = 64, but there are some
    differences between 32bit and 64bit architectures (e.g. long int is
    usually the same size as int on 32bit). Hence the often defined
    uint32, uint8 etc. types.

    See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_data_types



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