*_______**  _      _     _____        _     ___      _   _____
||     \ \\     /    /     \      //\     ||\    /|  /|    \
||     |  \\   /    ||           //  \    || \  / |  ||
|------/   \\_/     ||    ==    //____\   ||  \/  |  ||====|
**|**|          ||      ||    ||   //      \  ||      |  ||
**|**|          ||       \____/   //        \ ||      |  \=====/
                  *1.9.0RC3*                                 *r*
 * /*
*()()  *More RC for you ♥*
* \ \

(last chance to get any last minute bug fixes in...).

What's new (heaps of things since 1.8.1):

Summary of changes:
- many, many fixes and improvements.  The largest amount of changes has gone
into this release than any other pygame release.
- bug fixes for backwards compatibility issues introduced in pygame 1.8.x
series.  old games like solarwolf and libraries like PGU work again.
- experimental *camera* webcam module (still in development).
- experimental midi module based on portmidi and pyportmidi (99% complete).
- experimental gfxdraw module based on SDL_gfx (including AA circles, textured
polygons and other goodness).
- python3, and python3.1 support mostly completed.  Some modules still
remain to be completed - but mostly it's working.
- nokia mobile phone s60 support.
- improved OSX support (dropped pyobjc dependency, improved installer,
sysfont now works on OSX).
- pygame.examples + pygame.tests included with pygame.  This makes testing
easier, and also makes learning pygame more fun and easy.
- cleanup of examples, and addition of new examples.
- new tools to aid in development of pygame itself, better compilation
- py2app, and py2exe support improved.

This should be the last RC release candidate before the real 1.9.0 is
released... so if you find any bugs please let us know.

Source code release (binaries at bottom of announcement):
  http://pygame.googlecode.com/files/pygame-1.9.0rc3.tar.gz    (2.2MB)
  http://pygame.googlecode.com/files/pygame-1.9.0rc3.zip        (2.0MB)

  Compilation instructions for different platforms:

After install, it'd be nice if you could do a self test with:
python -m pygame.tests

Testing that your games still work with pygame 1.9.0rc3 would be a great
help.  Or test other peoples games if you want to help :)

Some binaries below...  for the build page...  anyone able to make other
binaries(nokia, windows python2.6/2.4 binaries needed)?


See a list of examples...
  python -c "import pygame.examples;help(pygame.examples)"

Run one of the 30 examples included...
  python -m pygame.examples.aliens

RC3 binary builds for win/mac from the "The Spectacularly Adequate Automated
Pygame Build Page".

OSX 10.4/10.5/10.6 universal(intel and ppc):

  http://pygame.googlecode.com/files/pygame-1.9.0b03.win32-py2.5.msi 3MB
  http://pygame.googlecode.com/files/pygame-1.9.0rc3.win32-py2.5.exe 3MB
  http://pygame.googlecode.com/files/pygame-1.9.0b03.win32-py2.6.msi 3MB
(thanks to Lenard for making this)

The build page is missing working python2.4(uses old prebuilts, tests
failing) and python2.6 builds for windows...  Lenard has provided a nice
python2.6 build for windows.

Also missing nokia pys60 builds, and python3.1 builds for windows and mac.
Binaries for linux distros (ubuntu etc are generated by them).

MD5 (pygame-1.9.0rc3.tar.gz) = a8e8a7c835176edcbf007af5232c67af
MD5 (pygame-1.9.0rc3.zip) = 5bc31354693786205e1493c50a3f189a

MD5 (pygame-1.9.0b03.win32-py2.5.msi) = c0ff7ca91d965eb630b12649591c43c3
MD5 (pygame-1.9.0rc3.win32-py2.5.exe) = e26ed7e8ce774883b673b7759590b9f4
MD5 (pygame-1.9.0b03.win32-py2.6.msi) = e247f69466be1f847c875794cc01d173

MD5 (pygame-1.9.0rc3-py2.4-macosx10.5.zip) =
MD5 (pygame-1.9.0rc3-py2.5-macosx10.5.zip) =
MD5 (pygame-1.9.0rc3-py2.6-macosx10.5.zip) =

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