Sounds great Tyler, it looks like it's about equal to the current
version, plus the support for more than just mpeg, which is good
enough for my purposes.  Seeking and subtitles would really put it
ahead of anything else.  Thanks so much for taking this project on!

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 7:48 AM, Tyler Laing<> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> What the movie module is capable of doing right now is:
> -Video
> -Audio
> -resize the screen
> -pause, unpause
> -stop
> -play, with a loops argument that works just like the one in mixer
> -get, set, surface support
> So we have basic functionality so far for it. There is also a vlc
> backend, that refuses to work properly, except once in a blue moon...
> There are some issues, effectively unsolvable with it right now. If
> you use a surface to blit the frames to, and try to resize smaller,
> you end up with visible corruption. Very, very rarely does the sync
> between video and audio not quite work. There are also some formats on
> some computers that will cause crashes, but on others, they will work
> fine. I have no idea what makes a difference on different computers,
> but I suspect slightly different ffmpeg libraries.
> My plan for the future is to:
> -support the location of later ffmpeg libraries, which were changed
> after v0.5 to go into ffmpeg/lib*
> -seeking
> -subtitle support(this is nearly done... I just need to take the text
> packets and figure out how to display them on overlays. For surfaces,
> its easy, just use sdl_ttf, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know!)
> -add filepath expansion
> -callback for returning an image buffer
> -callback for returning a sound  buffer
> -document code further
> -add mplayer backend
> Thank you guys for this opportunity, it has been a fun couple of months so 
> far!
> -Tyler
> --
> Visit my blog at

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