Toni, you make a good argument, but some of your points are a bit
misleading. As for games not needing a lot of resources, your kind of off.
Only reason ps3s have 512MB is that it doesn't have to worry about the many
processes a computer OS requires. Plus the ram is top of the line (gddr3 /
xdr) and isn't really comparable to normal computer ram.

I agree that nothing beats efficient coding, but that can only go so far.
Sooner or later, you still have to upgrade. I personally am a fan of simple
games (#1 game is block dude.. anyone who had a ti83 or 89 should know what
it is). But you can't expect game programmers to all stay low tech. Yes
small mini computers and smart phones are becomming popular, but so are
stronger laptops and computers.

As for the slow game in question ( the
game designer does say "Thanks! And yes, framerate is definitely an issue on
(dare I say) lower-end computers"

Btw, the latest budget computers have at least 2.X GHz CPUs. So yea.. it's
time to upgrade.

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