James Paige wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 08:58:27AM -0400, pierrelafran...@sympatico.ca wrote:
>> René Dudfield wrote:
>>> yeah, looks like somewhere the keyboard mappings aren't working.
>>> Likely in linux, C or SDL land.
>>> This is not a pygame level issue.
>>> Check on the SDL mailing list, or the arm platform mailing list perhaps?
>>> cheers,
>> Hi Rene.
>> What I don't understand is :
>> + The alphanumeric keyboards works fine with ARM plateform and Pygame
>> + The numeric keyboard works fine with ARM plateform in a text editor
>> + The numeric keyboard does't works fine with ARM plateform and Pygame
>> So I'm not sure what to look at yet since hardware and software is ok.
>> Anyway, I'll keep you post on progress
>> Thanks
>> Pierre
> I would suggest writing a very small test program in C using SDL. You 
> can find some suitable example code at 
> http://www.libsdl.org/intro.en/usingevents.html
> Compile it with gcc, and use it to test and see if this problem affects 
> the underlying SDL library when python and pygame are not involved.
> That will narrow down where the problem is.
> ---
> James Paige
I have succeffully (with a certain amount of pain to update Ubuntu and
ARM systems ;-) compiled a SDL program.

On ARM system, SDL doesn't receive good event ID (if I may call it like
this).  When pressing any digit from wired keyboard, it works fine.
When pressing any digit from wireless keyboard, it receive : "numlock
key was pressed".

So Pygames is out of the loop, like you all suspected (I have to learn).
 Now what do I do to progress in my investigation ?
Can I recompile SDL with different options ?
Is SDL relies on an other librairy ?
Both system have libsdl version 1.2


Pierre Lafrance

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