sorry, I didn't saw some threads because my mail client sorted them strange

Rolf Sievers schrieb:
John Eriksson (wmjoers) put an example for this on
Maybe looking at the source can help you (I never did)

rygoody schrieb:
Hello, I need to make a clickable hexagonal button. The clickable area
needs to actually be hexagonal, it's an essential part of the gameplay
dynamic. So I can't just put a hexagon picture over a square button.
The clickable button itself needs to be a hexagon.

I was just gonna use a linear equation to define the diagonal sides of
the hexagon, then go through a for loop to test on each line if the
click was in or out of the hexagon. But this seems so very inefficient
to do in python.

So I just thought I'd ask, is there any class, or any functionality in
anything that would be more ideal for something like this?

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