Lemme borrow Russell's method to show what I think is your missing piece: some way of getting a boom tower's rectangle onto the game's playfield (the main PyGame surface). Run it, and left-click the mouse to change the state of the boom tower.

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
class BoomTower:
   def __init__(self, bounds, normal_color, fire_color):
       self.normal_image = pygame.Surface((bounds.w,bounds.h))
       self.normal_image = self.normal_image.convert()
self.normal_image.fill(normal_color) ## Set the colour to the default
       self.fire_image = pygame.Surface((bounds.w,bounds.h))
       self.fire_image = self.fire_image.convert()
       self.current_image = self.normal_image
   def get_current_image(self):
       return self.current_image
   def shoot(self):
       ## Your other code here
       if self.current_image is self.normal_image:
           self.current_image = self.fire_image
           self.current_image = self.normal_image
   def draw(self, surface, pos):
       rect = self.current_image.get_rect()
       rect.center = pos
       surface.blit(self.current_image, rect)
s = pygame.display.get_surface()
r = pygame.Rect(50,50,100,100)
boom_tower = BoomTower(r, Color("white"), Color("red"))
while 1:
   for event in pygame.event.get():
       if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
   boom_tower.draw(s, r.center)


Russell Cumins wrote:
I'm not 100% sure what you are wanting to change the colour so forgive me if I'm going off on a tangent here. From what you have said thus far I am assuming you want to change the colour of the BoomTower object when it if firing.

What I would do is this...

class BoomTower:
    def __init__(self,position,size,colour,fireColour):
        self.colour = colour
        self.fireColour = fireColour
        self.rect = Rect(position,size)
        self.image = Surface(size)
        self.image.fill(colour) ## Set the colour to the default

    def shoot(self,...):
        ...## Your other code here

You probably need to add some more code elsewhere to change the colour back for when the BoomTower object is not firing.

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