Jason Marshall, Iowa, USA

2009/11/12 John Eriksson <j...@arainyday.se>

Hi fellow pygame developers!
>>I'm developing a sports game. It's a fictive sport played one-on-one,
>>on ice against another human player or against a rather advanced AI.
>> As part of the game it is possible to create a career in the World
>>Series against 40 (or so) AI controlled players.
>>I started to search the net to find inspiration for names and
>>nationalities to the AI-players. But then I thought it would be much
>>nicer to use the names and nationalities of pygame developers instead
>>of just using fictive names.
>>All AI-players will have different skill levels wich is randomly set
>>in the begining of a new World Series career. In one career your named
>>character will be the best in the world, and in another it might be a
>>rookie in Division 4.
>>The game will be released as Freeware for both Linux and Windows. The
>>source code will (as allways for my projects) be available once the
>>game is done.
>>If you wan't your name to apear as a AI-player in the game, please
>>send me your name (first + last) and your nationality.
>>Best Regards
>/John Eriksson


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