On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 6:10 PM, Casey Duncan <ca...@pandora.com> wrote:
> To start with, it is great to see follow-through on this, it will be a
> great, long overdue, addition to the pygame api.
> One thing I notice is that the main vector data structure contains a pointer
> to the actual coordinates. Other structures just contain the coordinates in
> an inline array up to the max dimension. IMO the main vector data structure
> should have the coordinates inline as well. This will cut in half the number
> of heap allocations to create a vector object. I suspect that it may be
> common for vector objects to be created as intermediate results in
> calculations and immediately discarded, and eliminating the extra memory
> management would be a helpful optimization, and simplify the code (less
> memory management is always a good thing). I think the only use-case for
> having the pointer would be for proxying an array of vector coordinates that
> you could operate on en masse (ala numpy).

Having the vector be a proxy for other data is big use case though.

How about...   There could be a double[4] inline, and have the pointer
point to that data for 2,3,4 sized vectors.  If it's bigger than this,
it can be (py)malloc'd, and it can also refer to data via the buffer
protocol.  The pointer would still be where the data is, but it could
be refer to the inline data if needed.

> A further optimization to consider would be an instance pool for vectors. If
> I'm right, and vectors are created and destroyed a lot in certain
> applications, having a pool of unused instances lying around could be a real
> win. This is how Python optimizes tuple object creation.


pygame could use this technique all over.  I think using pymalloc can
give us this automatically... or close to automatically.

There's some notes here about performance here of pymalloc Vs free
lists(python terminology for memory pools):

Probably not as fast as a specific memory pool... but maybe pymalloc
would come close.

> I didn't check thoroughly for this, but you need to be careful with code
> like this (in vector_elementwiseproxy_pow):
>    for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
>        base = PyFloat_FromDouble(bases[i]);
>        expo = PyFloat_FromDouble(expos[i]);
>        result = PyNumber_Power(base, expo, Py_None);
>        if (!result)
>            return NULL;
>        ret->coords[i] = PyFloat_AsDouble(result);
>        Py_DECREF(result);
>        Py_DECREF(expo);
>        Py_DECREF(base);
>    }
> For one, PyFloat_FromDouble can return NULL, and I'm not sure what
> PyNumber_Power will do when passed a NULL arg. Assuming it doesn't crash and
> returns NULL, you may be leaking references to base or expo. It's probably
> safer to assume PyNumber_Power will crash however, which is very bad since
> it will mask the memory problem with a segfault. All of this conversion back
> and forth from Python floats seems unnecessary, however.

> Can't you just use
> the libc pow() function directly instead, saving all the PyFloat business?

good idea

> I'm also curious what the use-case is for enabling and disabling swizzling?
> I know I've seen other libraries that have this switch (Euclid?), but why
> not just leave it on all of the time? Too error prone?
> -Casey

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