Brilliant. RTWFM. :)

Simple, elegant, and smart fix. I'll have the new stuff up shortly.


On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Michael George <>wrote:

> Have you tried using the pygame.mask module?  I suspect that it will be
> fast enough to not have to do preloading.  Doing hitmasks the way you are
> (i.e. in python) has huge overheads.
> --Mike
> B W wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 8:58 AM, B W < <mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>    On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 8:27 AM, Michael George
>>    < <>> wrote:
>>        In 0.0.4:
>>        ImportError: Bad magic number in lib/game_globals.pyc
>>    $ cd /home/mdgeorge/tmp/trolls_outta_luckland
>>    $ ./
>>    Gumm
>> Forget that. Looks like this is going to be a learning experience.
>> What version of Python are you using, Michael? Bet it's not 2.5.4. And
>> I'll bet that lib/*.pyc need to be recompiled. Which is unfortunate, because
>> I pre-compiled the many many many hitmasks so you wouldn't have to.
>> Compiling those requires 2 GB of RAM and will kill Windows (and maybe Linux)
>> systems that have a decent size paging file configured.
>> Doing some research. Meanwhile, if my hunch is right: I'll need to figure
>> out how to set up a proper install that re-compiles the libs. Does anyone
>> know of a way to compile huge .py with a tiny amount of RAM--say, less than
>> 500 MB?
>> Gumm

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