2010/1/27 Thomas Ibbotson <thomas.ibbot...@gmail.com>:
> 2010/1/27 Olof Bjarnason <olof.bjarna...@gmail.com>:
>> 2010/1/27 Jon <j...@webprophets.net.au>:
>>> Personally I think PyGame is a wonderful API for building any sort of
>>> complex animation that is secondary to pure 3D.
>>> For example, building beautiful animated menus, or sub-games, or simply
>>> handling I/O, it fits like a glove.
>> Sure, me too, but do you agree there is a certain uncertainty
>> concerning PyGame's future?
> If you look on the www.pygame.org website you'll notice that
> pygame2.0.0-alpha3 was released recently.


>> Is someone working on Python3, for example?
> Yes pygame2/pgreloaded has Python 3.1 support.

Nice, I admit I had missed this announcement on the web page.

The impression that PyGame was dying came into my mind because a new
friend of mine asked about writing Python 2d-games, and that he too
had the impression PyGame was not actively developed. Also, my
sndarray-question was left undiscussed for five days. It still is left
undiscussed. That might however be due to the maintainer of sndarray
being on vacation or something, I guess.

> Tom


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