
I would be OK with that. A second option would be to keep Group.has as the 
checker for membership of ALL sprites passed as arguments (and make its 
implementation and documentation match perfectly) and make a new Group.hasany 
method to check for membership of ANY sprites passed as arguments.. The 
advantage of this second option would be that it wouldn't break existing code 
that passes one Group as an argument to another Group's has method.. For 

>>> from pygame.sprite import Group, Sprite
>>> spr1 = Sprite()
>>> spr2 = Sprite()
>>> grp1 = Group(spr1)
>>> grp2 = Group(spr1, spr2)
>>> grp1.has(grp2) # The suggestion by mfg would make this return True
>>> grp2.has(grp1)

René, I think that we need a decisive pronouncement from the BDSP1.7 
(Benevolent Dictator Since Pygame 1.7). It'll affect how I update the 
pygame.sprite unittest.


----- Original Message ----
From: Yannick Weinz <>
Sent: Tue, February 2, 2010 5:11:43 AM
Subject: Re: [pygame] BUG: The behavior of the Group.has method vs. its  


I would suggest changing the code so that Group.has tests, if any of the given 
sprites is inside the Group (Group.has(spr1,spr2) returns True if spr1, spr2 or 
spr1 and spr2 are in the group, otherweise False) and adding another function 
Group.hasall that tests if all of the given sprites are inside the Group 
(group.has(spr1,spr2) returns True if spr1 and spr2 are in the Group, otherwise 
False). Then Group.hasall would behave according to the documentation of 


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Mon, 1 Feb 2010 05:10:41 -0800 (PST)
> Von: "Jason M. Marshall" <>
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [pygame] BUG: The behavior of the Group.has method vs. its  
> documentation

> PS. Actually, I just realized that Group.has only checks the membership of
> the first sprite when I call grp1.has(spr1, spr2). It's not checking the
> membership of any of the arguments after the first one. This makes me even
> more certain that it would be preferable to change the code.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Jason M. Marshall <>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, February 1, 2010 6:28:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [pygame] BUG: The behavior of the Group.has method vs. its 
> documentation
> Unfortunately, correcting the documentation will make it complicated. If
> we correct the documentation, then we'll have to explain why Group.has
> checks for membership of ANY sprites that are passed as arbitrary arguments 
> but
> checks for membership of ALL sprites that are passed as objects within an
> iterable.
> >>> grp1.has(spr1, spr2)
> True
> >>> grp1.has([spr1, spr2])
> False
> Since the actual implementation is nuanced, would it still be best to
> update the documentation rather than change the code? (We could consider the
> nuance a feature!)
> unittests are a good idea. I'll add those.
> Jason
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: René Dudfield <>
> To:
> Sent: Mon, February 1, 2010 5:42:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [pygame] BUG: The behavior of the Group.has method vs. its 
> documentation
> On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 7:15 PM, Jason M. Marshall <> wrote:
> > In the pygame.sprite module, I think that the Group.has method does not
> behave according to its documentation. The online documentation states that
> Group.has will return True if the Group contains ALL of the given sprites.
> However, in a certain case, Group.has will return True if the Group
> contains ANY of the given sprites. In the following interactive code example,
> grp1.has(spr1, spr2) should return False, but it returns True:
> >
> >>>> import pygame
> >>>> spr1 = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
> >>>> spr2 = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
> >>>> grp1 = pygame.sprite.Group(spr1)
> >>>> grp1.has(spr1)
> > True
> >>>> grp1.has(spr2)
> > False
> >>>> grp1.has(spr2, spr1)
> > False
> >>>> grp1.has(spr1, spr2)
> > True
> >>>>
> >
> > I'm already in the process of tidying up the pygame.sprite module so
> that it'll make fewer function calls, make fewer hash table look-ups and
> conform to PEP 8 better. So far, I haven't made any changes that could break 
> any
> existing code, but if I change the AbstractGroup.has code to match the
> documentation, then someone's game could break if it depends on the incorrect
> behavior of Group.has.
> >
> > Would it be OK with all of you if I change Group.has to match the
> documentation?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Jason
> >
> Best to fix the docs, and add another method.
> Also, there are not full unittests for the sprite module, so it would
> be good to get some unittests completed first... so that it would be
> sure to catch any errors with your refactoring.
> cu,

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