Hi Math-

Could you post some of your key event code for us to look at?

On 4/3/10 8:03 AM, Mathieu Richardoz wrote:
Hello fellow PyGamers,

I have a very annoying problem with my PyGame installation under Mac
OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.

When I execute a PyGame program from the Terminal, the keys I press
are not sent to the game window but to the Terminal window itself,
where they are echoed, which means that no key presses are ever
detected by my program :'(

I've been googling that problem for the past couple of hours, and the
only reference to it I've found is this post:


, to which there was no conclusive answer.

I've installed pygame through MacPorts, where it depends upon the
python24 package.
I thus run it through Python 2.4.6.
I even tried to force grab the focus with pygame.event.set_grab(True),
but the behaviour remains the same.

Thanks in advance for any help you could provide on that matter.


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