On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 4:25 PM, Kris Schnee <ksch...@xepher.net> wrote:
> On 4/3/2010 12:58 PM, jug wrote:
>> Marcus von Appen wrote:
>>> What would be interesting here is, what the Pen class would offer except
>>> from the drawing functions wrapped up in a class and som additional
>>> shapes.
>>> What about e.g. an aa-property to keep the argument amount low,
>>> transformation and rotation angles for the x- and y-axis (implicit
>>> transformation done upon drawing) or even vector support (e.g. for
>>> faster 2d, 2.5d, 3d operations on the shapes) using the math module?
>>> What do you think about working out some basic Pen (and utility)
>>> class(es) as an example (no need to implement any function or property,
>>> just a stub of the class, we can examine and design)?
> I tried to use OpenGL and found that drawing anything in 2D was very hard.
> For instance, I couldn't simply build a 3D set of shapes and then draw onto
> the screen in 2D, using existing Pygame functions; I had to muck around with
> textures instead. And drawing text in OpenGL -- just 2D text on a 2D surface
> -- is a nightmare. If people are looking for projects, how about an easy way
> to switch to a "Pygame mode" of drawing while using OpenGL, so that we can
> use existing UI and drawing libraries?

There is the Lamina module, that provides you a pygame surface within
an OpenGL display, that you can draw on using Pygame drawing libraries
and GUIs.

I have not used it for a year or so, but if you are using
PyOpenGL/OpenGL 2, it should work fine.


David Keeney

I am the author, so feel free to email me for assistance, if you
decide to use it.

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