
those of you who want to participate at the GSoC this yesar, make sure
you apply (if you did not already) until tomorrow, 7pm UTC.
If you submitted a proposal already on this list, but did not get any
fdeedback yet, do not hesitate to submit it to the google webapp
anyways. We will read it and give you further advice, but did not have
time for now to do so (bear with us, we're only humans).

As you know, not anyone will be selected for for working on pygame (this
year probably even less than the years before), so make sure, that you
file a 'backup' application for another project (be it Python or
something else) in case you are really eager to work on some GSoC task.

If you filed or file a backup application, it would be nice to inform us
for which project you did it, so we do not run into trouble and lengthy
discussion, if both, us and the other project wants you to mentor.
Note that a backup application will _not_ have an impact on your chance
of being selected by us, but instead means a higher chance to get
selected in general, so it is strongly recommended and definitely in
your interest ;-).


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