Pygame has needed this for a LONG time.
Good luck!  Keep us updated.

On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 5:55 PM, jug <j...@fantasymail.de> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm going to write a new draw module for pygame and pygame2 as part of
> GSoC this year. The aim is to have one draw module for pygame that
> implements not only the very basic drawing of a few plain color shapes but
> also drawing of more advanced shapes and whith more advanced attributes
> (ie. curves, rounded corners, aa, etc.) as well as alternative filling
> methods
> (ie. procedural or image based textures, filling from another surface/image
> (cloning), etc.). Unlike now the code will be object oriented thus you'll
> need to create a (pen) object before using it to draw stuff. That is to to
> keep
> code clean and structured and avoid functions with (terribly) long parameter
> lists. However, I plan to add some shortcuts for basic functionality (and
> maybe
> compatibility).
> I'm still thinking about concepts and have some more vague ideas in mind so
> if you have any ideas or suggestions please tell me :)
> While development I'll blog about any progress at
> http://pygamedraw.wordpress.com/
> Even though I've got svn access to the pygame repo (thank you, rene) I also
> have a (currently still empty) hg repo with wiki and issue tracker at
> http://bitbucket.org/schlangen/pygamedraw
> Regards,
> Julian

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