Hi everyone,

I've just started learning Pygame (wrote a tetris game) and currently
I'm trying to write a simple turn-based strategy game, similar to
Advance Wars. What I need to implement now is a simple GUI system
which essentially provides menus to select what each unit does.

I decided to try to have a Tmenu class which consists of several
Toption instances (each one representing a menu option). The Toption
basically consists of a "label" member, a "image" member and a "func"
member. The func member is supposed to be a function that will be
executed when that specific option is selected.

But if I wanted to say, have an option for the selected unit to attack
an adjacent unit, the function I assigned to "func" couldn't possibly
know which unit is attacking which (since the arguments between
different functions should vary).

I thought about having a global variable that stores arguments that
the function could access but that seems to complicate the code and I
read that global variable use should be minimized.

So I'm wondering if someone could show me how I could solve this
problem so that the each menu option's function will have the
information it needs when it executes?

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