
I have to agree with the other comments. it's really looking good so far!

On 06/17/2010 06:05 PM, jug wrote:

I'd like to give you a short status report of the pygamedraw gsoc project.
I've implemented the main class structure and basic drawing methods, so
its already usable:

If you have any ideas for further Pen classes please tell me.
> Regards,
> Julian

I just thought that it *might* be useful to have an attribute "style" or 
something like that
which can be set to "SOLID", "DOTTED" or "DASHED" in analogy to the css 
attribute border-style [1].
I don't think this is a top priority item but might be nice to have.

keep up the good work


[1] http://www.tizag.com/cssT/border.php

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