I'm trying to use portmidi (or pygame) and mingus. ( mingus for it's
util functions. pygame for midi in+out.)

I want to run "osc2midi.py" , which uses portmidi.[1] ( import's pypm
), since port midi wasn't installing[2], I tried a quick convert,
being midi newb, rewriting could be faster. I have the OSC side
working. Now I need midi. .

Does pygame.midi using portmidi? I couldn't find any pygame midi
examples on the project's site. There is docs/examples/midi.py , which
is a big file.
All I need now is:
    "play note X, octave Y, time=0"

[ mingus can convert noteX+octaveY to the midi offset, ie: 64 )

[1] osc2midi.py located at :
It reads OSC input messages, output on midi.

[2],I did not find portmidi py2.6-windows binaries. Setup.py compiling
didn't work (maybe my python distutils isn't configured right because
I installed eclipse w/ mingw after python.)

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