On 07/19/2010 01:12 AM, SurferIX wrote:

I'm using pygame for the first time.
I've developped a game, everything works fine but one thing I can't
Using Windows, python 2.6, here's what I was doing:

  18 class Shape(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
  20     def __init__(self,width,height):
  21         pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)
  23         self.width = width
  24         self.height = height
  27         self.rect  = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 6*5*20, 6*5*20)
  28         self.image = pygame.Surface( (self.rect.width,
self.rect.height) )
  29         self.image.fill((255, 255, 255))
  30         self.image.convert()

the line #30 was *always* generating access violation.
I just added modified to:
  30         self.image = self.image.convert()
and now everything works fine.

But there shouldn''t have any problem at all with this simple line:
  30         self.image.convert()
even though it does nothing (well i guess it does nothing).

I'm not the kind of people who thinks "it works let's go on". I want
to understand why it didn't work before going further. Can someone
please explain me why this raised an Access Violation?

I can't explain the access error. But you'll want line 30 to look like this.

    self.image = self.image.convert()

You may try changing the code and seeing if it still dies. There may be a bug in Pygame triggered when the newly converted image is immediately deleted. (although that does not seem likely)

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