Hi all:

I have missunderstand something from masks, this is my problem:

I have a program that rounds frames in a minimum rects and saves the
coordinates of them in a file, that way I know where, in a picture, are the
frames of a animation and can get them easily.

I took all the frames of an animation in this way (been an animation the
secuence of images of p.e. a spaceship images turning in Y-axis to go left
or rigth in X-axis)

# Gets all the frames of a animation from the image
    def __getFrameImages__(self, image, imagesIndexInY, coords):
        indexes = coords.getCoordsInY(imagesIndexInY) # This works fine, the
images are getted and drawed well
        for index in indexes:                                          #
Only to show that I get many subsurfaces from a big surface (a .bmp file)
           self.images += [image.subsurface(index)]

After take all images I make masks for each image that way:

# Makes masks for all the frames
    def __makeMasks__(self):
        for image in self.images:
            mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(image, consts.MAGENTA)
            temp = "" # LOG
            for x in mask.outline(): # LOG
                temp += `mask.get_at(x)` # LOG
            print `temp` #LOG
            self.masks += [mask]

been consts.MAGENTA = 0xFF00FF the key color of the image.

Well, when running it, the output are allways that way:


So I undestand that, been no 0's, the mask is all the rect... so I'm doing
something wrong, any ideas?
Nota: Tildes omitidas para evitar incompatibilidades.


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