It should be enough for simple games.  If you go to this link,descCd-DOWNLOAD.html
can download all the code for the book, and you'll see that the simple games
just use these techniques.  (I'm not recommending the book, just pointing
out a source of code for simple 2D games.)

P.S. Your English is not perfect, but quite understandable; keep up the good


On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 12:53 PM, Nathan BIAGINI <>wrote:

> Ok thanks to reply so fast :) yeah of course, it seems obvious now but i
> didn't know there is a way to manage keyboard state without the common event
> loop.
> I ll use this created topic to ask something else about the optimization of
> a game written with pygame. Restrict frames per second with clock.tick(xx)
> and only update dirty rects (in case of static background) is enough for a
> quite "simple" 2D game? Or there re more optimizations to do? I don't try to
> reach perfect performance, only want to make my faster as possible and less
> CPU consuming.
> PS : i'm sorry but i do my best to try to write an understandable english,
> it s not my native langage at all and i m pretty young but i was forced to
> learn it to enjoy python/pygame ressources avaiable on the Internet (there
> is no many french ressources on the Internet...)
> 2010/11/24 Ian Mallett <>
>> Hi,
>> Try this:
>> while True:
>>    clock.tick(60) #set on 60 frames per second
>>    for event in pygame.event.get():
>>        if event.type == QUIT:
>>             sys.exit()
>>    key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
>>    if key[K_LEFT]: heroes.move_left()
>>     pygame.display.update(heroes_group.draw(screen))
>> The PyGame event manager fires events *only when a key's state changes *(that
>> is, the moment it is pressed or the moment it was released, a *single *event
>> is fired).
>> What you want to do is to check the *current state *of the keyboard.  "
>> pygame.key.get_pressed()" does this.  The state "key" that it returns can
>> then be checked for the required key.
>> Ian

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