René Dudfield schrieb:
> Thank you very much for the patches. 

You're welcome, thanks for considering them. I'm a bit surprised nobody
was affected by this badly enough to fix it before ;)

> I will review them and apply them
> to both the pygame repo, and the portmidi repo.  The python bindings now
> live with portmidi, so no need to send them to the bitbucket page.

Ok, so I'm attaching my second patch here as well. I made it against
'pygame/src/pypm.pyx', but since this file and
'portmedia/pm_python/pyportmedia/_pyportmedia.pyx' only differ in the
version number it can be applied to both.

Unfortunately, I found it impossible to separate pure coding style
changes and changes to the code/logic itself, since the code was in such
a mess and the changes therefore affect the whole file and are hard to
separate. The patch also includes the changes of my first patch, since,
without SVN write access it would have been difficult to create a diff
against a version with the first patch.

To make it easier to review the changes, I've just gone through the diff
and listed every (I hope) kind of change I made. There aren't any
drastic changes to the logic and none to the external API (some
non-keyword argument names have been changed). Still, I would be more
confident, if there were some unit tests to confirm that the code
behaves the same as before. Maybe I'll have time to write some, but I
won't promise anything.

So, below's the list of changes,

Cheers, Chris

Coding style changes:

- Moved constants to top
- Removed C-style comment marker from comments
- Removed superfluous whitespace before and after parentheses
- Added line-breaks between indented function declarations
- Added line-breaks around if/for/while blocks
- Corrected indentation of docstrings
- Made sure each function/method docstring starts with a single
  description line immediately after the opening triple-quotes, which
  ends with full stop and uses imperative phrasing.
- Corrected/improved docstrings and used ReST-formatting where
- Moved comments on their own line before the code they refer to
- Broke comments after 79 chars max
- Broke code lines after 79 chars mas, using parentheses if necessary
- Line-break + indentation for each if-block
- Introduce whitespace between function arguments, list items etc. as
  indicated by PEP-8
- Cleaned all tabs and used only spaces

Code changes:

- Used more descriptive variable names for local variables where it
  seemed desirable
- Changed 'OutputDevice' argument of Output class to 'output_device'
  and corresponding instance attribute from 'i' to 'device'
- Changed 'MidiInputDevice' argument of Input class to 'input_device'
  and corresponding instance attribute from 'i' to 'device'
- Changed device number argument of GetDeviceInfo from 'i' to

- Changed IndexError to ValueError where it seemed appropriate
- Used 'raise Exception(msg)' instead of 'raise Exception, msg'
  everywhere (with Cython, compatibility should not be an issue)
- Change all exception messages to end with proper punctuation
- Change exception messages and debug statements to use string
  formatting instead of concatenation

- Declared 'err' variable to be of type 'PmError' in all
  functions/methods where is is used
- Fixed attempt to close already closed input/output stream in
  __dealloc__ (see first patch as well)
- Close()/Abort() will return immediately if input/output stream is not
- In Output.Write() used list iteration instead of looping over index
   with range
- In Output.Write() provided better error reporting when event list is
  empty or too big

Misc changes:

- Updated version to 0.0.8 (0.0.7 is the version used in the portmidi
- Added entry to change list in comments

Index: src/pypm.pyx
--- src/pypm.pyx        (Revision 3006)
+++ src/pypm.pyx        (Arbeitskopie)
@@ -4,12 +4,17 @@
 # written in Pyrex
+__version__ = "0.0.6"
 import array
+# 0.0.6: (Feb 25, 2011) christopher arndt <>
+#   Do not try to close device in Input/Output.__dealloc__ if not open
+#   Major code layout clean up
 # 0.0.5: (June 1st, 2009)
 #   Output no longer calls abort when it deallocates.
 #   Added abort and close methods.
@@ -31,67 +36,101 @@
 # 0.0.1:
 #   initial release
+FILT_PLAY = 0x8
+FILT_F9 = 0x10
+FILT_TICK = 0x10
+FILT_FD = 0x20
+FILT_RESET = 0x40
+FILT_NOTE = 0x80
+FILT_MTC = 0x2000
+FILT_TUNE = 0x10000
+FALSE = 0
+TRUE = 1
 cdef extern from "portmidi.h":
     ctypedef enum PmError:
         pmNoError = 0,
         pmHostError = -10000,
-        pmInvalidDeviceId, #/* out of range or output device when input is 
requested or vice versa */
+        pmInvalidDeviceId, # out of range or output device when input is 
requested or vice versa
-        pmBadData, #/* illegal midi data, e.g. missing EOX */
+        pmBadData, # illegal midi data, e.g. missing EOX
-        pmBufferMaxSize, #/* buffer is already as large as it can be */
+        pmBufferMaxSize, # buffer is already as large as it can be
     PmError Pm_Initialize()
     PmError Pm_Terminate()
     ctypedef void PortMidiStream
     ctypedef PortMidiStream PmStream # CHECK THIS!
     ctypedef int PmDeviceID
-    int Pm_HasHostError( PortMidiStream * stream )  
-    char *Pm_GetErrorText( PmError errnum )
+    int Pm_HasHostError(PortMidiStream * stream)
+    char *Pm_GetErrorText(PmError errnum)
     Pm_GetHostErrorText(char * msg, unsigned int len)
     ctypedef struct PmDeviceInfo:
         int structVersion
-        char *interf #/* underlying MIDI API, e.g. MMSystem or DirectX */
-        char *name   #/* device name, e.g. USB MidiSport 1x1 */
-        int input    #/* true iff input is available */
-        int output   #/* true iff output is available */
-        int opened   #/* used by generic PortMidi code to do error checking on 
arguments */
+        char *interf # underlying MIDI API, e.g. MMSystem or DirectX
+        char *name   # device name, e.g. USB MidiSport 1x1
+        int input    # true iff input is available
+        int output   # true iff output is available
+        int opened   # used by generic PortMidi code to do error checking on 
     int Pm_CountDevices()
     PmDeviceID Pm_GetDefaultInputDeviceID()
     PmDeviceID Pm_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID()
     ctypedef long PmTimestamp
-    ctypedef PmTimestamp (*PmTimeProcPtr)(void *time_info)
-    #PmBefore is not defined...
-    PmDeviceInfo* Pm_GetDeviceInfo( PmDeviceID id )
-    PmError Pm_OpenInput( PortMidiStream** stream,
-                          PmDeviceID inputDevice,
-                          void *inputDriverInfo,
+    ctypedef PmTimestamp(*PmTimeProcPtr)(void *time_info)
+    # PmBefore is not defined...
+    PmDeviceInfo* Pm_GetDeviceInfo(PmDeviceID id)
+    PmError Pm_OpenInput(PortMidiStream** stream,
+                         PmDeviceID inputDevice,
+                         void *inputDriverInfo,
+                         long bufferSize,
+                         long (*PmPtr) (), # long = PtTimestamp
+                         void *time_info)
+    PmError Pm_OpenOutput(PortMidiStream** stream,
+                          PmDeviceID outputDevice,
+                          void *outputDriverInfo,
                           long bufferSize,
-                          long (*PmPtr) (), # long = PtTimestamp
-                          void *time_info )
-    PmError Pm_OpenOutput( PortMidiStream** stream,
-                           PmDeviceID outputDevice,
-                           void *outputDriverInfo,
-                           long bufferSize,
-                           #long (*PmPtr) (), # long = PtTimestamp
-                           PmTimeProcPtr time_proc, # long = PtTimestamp
-                           void *time_info,
-                           long latency )
-    PmError Pm_SetFilter( PortMidiStream* stream, long filters )
-    PmError Pm_Abort( PortMidiStream* stream )
-    PmError Pm_Close( PortMidiStream* stream )
+                          #long (*PmPtr) (), # long = PtTimestamp
+                          PmTimeProcPtr time_proc, # long = PtTimestamp
+                          void *time_info,
+                          long latency)
+    PmError Pm_SetFilter(PortMidiStream* stream, long filters)
+    PmError Pm_Abort(PortMidiStream* stream)
+    PmError Pm_Close(PortMidiStream* stream)
     ctypedef long PmMessage
     ctypedef struct PmEvent:
         PmMessage message
         PmTimestamp timestamp
-    PmError Pm_Read( PortMidiStream *stream, PmEvent *buffer, long length )
-    PmError Pm_Poll( PortMidiStream *stream)
+    PmError Pm_Read(PortMidiStream *stream, PmEvent *buffer, long length)
+    PmError Pm_Poll(PortMidiStream *stream)
     int Pm_Channel(int channel)
     PmError Pm_SetChannelMask(PortMidiStream *stream, int mask)
-    PmError Pm_Write( PortMidiStream *stream, PmEvent *buffer, long length )
-    PmError Pm_WriteSysEx( PortMidiStream *stream, PmTimestamp when, unsigned 
char *msg)
+    PmError Pm_Write(PortMidiStream *stream, PmEvent *buffer, long length)
+    PmError Pm_WriteSysEx(PortMidiStream *stream, PmTimestamp when,
+                          unsigned char *msg)
 cdef extern from "porttime.h":
     ctypedef enum PtError:
@@ -100,438 +139,568 @@
     ctypedef long PtTimestamp
-    ctypedef void (* PtCallback)( PtTimestamp timestamp, void *userData )
+    ctypedef void (* PtCallback)(PtTimestamp timestamp, void *userData)
     PtError Pt_Start(int resolution, PtCallback *callback, void *userData)
     PtTimestamp Pt_Time()
 def Initialize():
+    """Initialize PortMidi library.
+    This function must be called once before any other function or class from
+    this module can be used.
-Initialize: call this first
-    """
-    Pt_Start(1, NULL, NULL) # /* equiv to TIME_START: start timer w/ ms 
accuracy */
+    # equiv to TIME_START: start timer w/ ms accuracy
+    Pt_Start(1, NULL, NULL)
 def Terminate():
+    """Terminate use of PortMidi library.
+    Call this to clean up Midi streams when done.
+    If you do not call this on Windows machines when you are done with MIDI,
+    your system may crash.
-Terminate: call this to clean up Midi streams when done.
-If you do not call this on Windows machines when you are
-done with MIDI, your system may crash.
-    """
 def GetDefaultInputDeviceID():
+    """Return the number of the default MIDI input device.
+    See the PortMidi documentation on how the default device is set and
+    determined.
+    """
     return Pm_GetDefaultInputDeviceID()
 def GetDefaultOutputDeviceID():
+    """Return the number of the default MIDI output device.
+    See the PortMidi documentation on how the default device is set and
+    determined.
+    """
     return Pm_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID()
 def CountDevices():
+    """Return number of available MIDI (input and output) devices."""
     return Pm_CountDevices()
-def GetDeviceInfo(i):
+def GetDeviceInfo(device_no):
+    """Return device info tuple for MIDI device given by device_no.
+    The returned tuple has the following five items:
+    * underlying MIDI API (string)
+    * device name (string)
+    * whether device can be opened as input (1) or not (0)
+    * whether device can be opened as output (1) or not (0)
+    * whether device is currently opened (1) or not (0)
-GetDeviceInfo(<device number>): returns 5 parameters
-  - underlying MIDI API
-  - device name
-  - TRUE iff input is available
-  - TRUE iff output is available
-  - TRUE iff device stream is already open
-    """
     cdef PmDeviceInfo *info
-    # disregarding the constness from Pm_GetDeviceInfo, since pyrex doesn't do 
-    info = <PmDeviceInfo *>Pm_GetDeviceInfo(i)
+    # disregarding the constness from Pm_GetDeviceInfo,
+    # since pyrex doesn't do const.
+    info = <PmDeviceInfo *>Pm_GetDeviceInfo(device_no)
-    if info <> NULL: return info.interf,, info.input, info.output, 
-    else: return 
+    if info != NULL:
+        return info.interf,, info.input, info.output, info.opened
+    # return None
 def Time():
-    """
-Time() returns the current time in ms
-of the PortMidi timer
-    """
+    """Return the current time in ms of the PortMidi timer."""
     return Pt_Time()
 def GetErrorText(err):
-    """
-GetErrorText(<err num>) returns human-readable error
-messages translated from error numbers
-    """
+    """Return human-readable error message translated from error number."""
     return Pm_GetErrorText(err)
 def Channel(chan):
-    """
-Channel(<chan>) is used with ChannelMask on input MIDI streams.
-Example: to receive input on channels 1 and 10 on a MIDI
-         stream called MidiIn:
-MidiIn.SetChannelMask(pypm.Channel(1) | pypm.Channel(10))
+    """Return Channel object for given MIDI channel number 1 - 16.
-note: PyPortMidi Channel function has been altered from
-      the original PortMidi c call to correct for what
-      seems to be a bug --- i.e. channel filters were
-      all numbered from 0 to 15 instead of 1 to 16.
+    Channel(<chan>) is used with ChannelMask on input MIDI streams.
+    Example:
+    To receive input on channels 1 and 10 on a MIDI stream called
+    MidiIn::
+        MidiIn.SetChannelMask(pypm.Channel(1) | pypm.Channel(10))
+    .. note::
+        PyPortMidi Channel function has been altered from
+        the original PortMidi c call to correct for what
+        seems to be a bug --- i.e. channel filters were
+        all numbered from 0 to 15 instead of 1 to 16.
-    return Pm_Channel(chan-1)
+    return Pm_Channel(chan - 1)
 cdef class Output:
+    """Represents an output MIDI stream device.
+    Takes the form::
+        output = pypm.Output(output_device, latency)
+    latency is in ms. If latency == 0 then timestamps for output are ignored.
-class Output:
-    define an output MIDI stream. Takes the form:
-        x = pypm.Output(MidiOutputDevice, latency)
-    latency is in ms.
-    If latency = 0 then timestamps for output are ignored.
-    """
-    cdef int i
+    cdef int device
     cdef PmStream *midi
     cdef int debug
     cdef int _aborted
-    def __init__(self, OutputDevice, latency=0):
+    def __init__(self, output_device, latency=0):
+        """Instantiate MIDI output stream object."""
         cdef PmError err
         #cdef PtTimestamp (*PmPtr) ()
         cdef PmTimeProcPtr PmPtr
-        self.i = OutputDevice
+        self.device = output_device
         self.debug = 0
         self._aborted = 0
         if latency == 0:
             PmPtr = NULL
             PmPtr = <PmTimeProcPtr>&Pt_Time
-        if self.debug: print "Opening Midi Output"
-       # Why is bufferSize 0 here?
-        err = Pm_OpenOutput(&(self.midi), self.i, NULL, 0, PmPtr, NULL, 
+        if self.debug:
+            print "Opening Midi Output"
+        # Why is buffer size 0 here?
+        err = Pm_OpenOutput(&(self.midi), output_device, NULL, 0, PmPtr, NULL,
+                            latency)
         if err < 0:
-                s = Pm_GetErrorText(err)
-                # Something's amiss here - if we try to throw an Exception
-                       # here, we crash.
-                if not err == -10000:
-                        raise Exception,s
-                else:
-                        print "Unable to open Midi 
OutputDevice=",OutputDevice," err=",s
+            errmsg = Pm_GetErrorText(err)
+            # Something's amiss here - if we try to throw an Exception
+            # here, we crash.
+            if not err == -10000:
+                raise Exception(errmsg)
+            else:
+                print "Unable to open Midi OutputDevice=%i: %s" % (
+                    output_device, errmsg)
     def __dealloc__(self):
-        if self.debug: print "Closing MIDI output stream and destroying 
-        #err = Pm_Abort(self.midi)
-        #if err < 0: raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
-        err = Pm_Close(self.midi)
-        if err < 0: raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err) 
+        """Close midi device if still open when the instance is destroyed."""
+        cdef PmError err
+        if self.debug:
+            print "Closing MIDI output stream and destroying instance."
+        if self.midi:
+            err = Pm_Close(self.midi)
+            if err < 0:
+                raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
     def _check_open(self):
-        """ checks to see if the midi is open, and if not, raises an error.
+        """Check whether midi device is open, and if not, raises an error.
+        Internal method, should be used only by other methods of this class.
         if self.midi == NULL:
-            raise Exception, "midi Output not open."
+            raise Exception("midi Output not open.")
         if self._aborted:
-            raise Exception, "midi Output aborted.  Need to call Close after 
+            raise Exception(
+                "midi Output aborted. Need to call Close after Abort.")
     def Close(self):
+        """Close the midi output device, flushing any pending buffers.
+        PortMidi attempts to close open streams when the application exits --
+        this is particularly difficult under Windows, so it is best to take
+        care to close all devices explicitly.
-    closes a midi stream, flushing any pending buffers.
-    (PortMidi attempts to close open streams when the application
-    exits -- this is particularly difficult under Windows.)
-        """
-        #if not self.midi:
-        #    return
+        cdef PmError err
+        if not self.midi:
+            return
         err = Pm_Close(self.midi)
         if err < 0:
-            raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
-        #self.midi = NULL
+            raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
+        self.midi = NULL
     def Abort(self):
+        """Terminate outgoing messages immediately.
+        The caller should immediately close the output port after calling this
+        method. This call may result in transmission of a partial midi message.
+        There is no abort for Midi input because the user can simply ignore
+        messages in the buffer and close an input device at any time.
-Abort() terminates outgoing messages immediately
-    The caller should immediately close the output port;
-    this call may result in transmission of a partial midi message.
-    There is no abort for Midi input because the user can simply
-    ignore messages in the buffer and close an input device at
-    any time.
-        """
-        #if not self.midi:
-        #    return
+        cdef PmError err
+        if not self.midi:
+            return
         err = Pm_Abort(self.midi)
         if err < 0:
-            raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
+            raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
         self._aborted = 1
+    def Write(self, data):
+        """Output a series of MIDI events given by data list n this device.
-    def Write(self, data):
+        Usage::
+            Write([
+                [[status, data1, data2, data3], timestamp],
+                [[status, data1, data2, data3], timestamp],
+                ...
+            ])
+        The data1/2/3 items in each event are optional::
+           Write([[[0xc0, 0, 0], 20000]])
+        is equivalent to::
+           Write([[[0xc0], 20000]])
+        Example:
+        Send program change 1 at time 20000 and send note 65 with velocity 100
+        at 500 ms later::
+             Write([[[0xc0, 0, 0], 20000], [[0x90, 60, 100], 20500]])
+        .. notes::
+            1. Timestamps will be ignored if latency == 0.
+            2. To get a note to play immediately, send the note on event with
+               the result from the Time() function as the timestamp.
-    output a series of MIDI information in the form of a list:
-         Write([[[status <,data1><,data2><,data3>],timestamp],
-                [[status <,data1><,data2><,data3>],timestamp],...])
-    <data> fields are optional
-    example: choose program change 1 at time 20000 and
-    send note 65 with velocity 100 500 ms later.
-         Write([[[0xc0,0,0],20000],[[0x90,60,100],20500]])
-    notes:
-      1. timestamps will be ignored if latency = 0.
-      2. To get a note to play immediately, send MIDI info with
-         timestamp read from function Time.
-      3. understanding optional data fields:
-           Write([[[0xc0,0,0],20000]]) is equivalent to
-           Write([[[0xc0],20000]])
-        """
         cdef PmEvent buffer[1024]
         cdef PmError err
-        cdef int i
+        cdef int item
+        cdef int ev_no
+        if len(data) > 1024:
+            raise IndexError('Maximum event list length is 1024.')
+        else:
+            for ev_no, event in enumerate(data):
+                if not event[0]:
+                    raise ValueError('No data in event no. %i.' % ev_no)
+                if len(event[0]) > 4:
+                    raise ValueError('Too many data bytes (%i) in event no. 
+                        % (len(event[0]), ev_no))
-        if len(data) > 1024: raise IndexError, 'maximum list length is 1024'
-        else:
-            for loop1 in range(len(data)):
-                if ((len(data[loop1][0]) > 4) |
-                    (len(data[loop1][0]) < 1)):
-                    raise IndexError, str(len(data[loop1][0]))+' arguments in 
event list'
-                buffer[loop1].message = 0
-                for i in range(len(data[loop1][0])):
-                    buffer[loop1].message = buffer[loop1].message + 
((data[loop1][0][i]&0xFF) << (8*i))
-                buffer[loop1].timestamp = data[loop1][1]
-                if self.debug: print loop1," : ",buffer[loop1].message," : 
-        if self.debug: print "writing to midi buffer"
-        err= Pm_Write(self.midi, buffer, len(data))
-        if err < 0: raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
-    def WriteShort(self, status, data1 = 0, data2 = 0):
+                buffer[ev_no].message = 0
+                for item in range(len(event[0])):
+                    buffer[ev_no].message += (
+                        (event[0][item] & 0xFF) << (8 * item))
+                buffer[ev_no].timestamp = event[1]
+                if self.debug:
+                    print "%i : %r : %s" (
+                        ev_no, buffer[ev_no].message, buffer[ev_no].timestamp)
+        if self.debug:
+            print "Writing to midi buffer."
+        err = Pm_Write(self.midi, buffer, len(data))
+        if err < 0:
+            raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
+    def WriteShort(self, status, data1=0, data2=0):
+        """Output MIDI event of three bytes or less immediately on this device.
+        Usage::
+            WriteShort(status, data1, data2)
+        status must be a valid MIDI status byte, for example:
+        0xCx = Program Change
+        0xBx = Controller Change
+        0x9x = Note On
+        where x is the MIDI channel number 0 - 0xF.
+        The data1 and data2 arguments are optional and assumed to be 0 if
+        omitted.
+        Example:
+        Send note 65 on with velocity 100::
+             WriteShort(0x90, 65, 100)
-WriteShort(status <, data1><, data2>)
-     output MIDI information of 3 bytes or less.
-     data fields are optional
-     status byte could be:
-          0xc0 = program change
-          0x90 = note on
-          etc.
-          data bytes are optional and assumed 0 if omitted
-     example: note 65 on with velocity 100
-          WriteShort(0x90,65,100)
-        """
         cdef PmEvent buffer[1]
         cdef PmError err
         buffer[0].timestamp = Pt_Time()
-        buffer[0].message = ((((data2) << 16) & 0xFF0000) | (((data1) << 8) & 
0xFF00) | ((status) & 0xFF))
-        if self.debug: print "Writing to MIDI buffer"
+        buffer[0].message = (((data2 << 16) & 0xFF0000) |
+            ((data1 << 8) & 0xFF00) | (status & 0xFF))
+        if self.debug:
+            print "Writing to MIDI buffer."
         err = Pm_Write(self.midi, buffer, 1) # stream, buffer, length
-        if err < 0 : raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
+        if err < 0:
+            raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
     def WriteSysEx(self, when, msg):
-        """
-        WriteSysEx(<timestamp>,<msg>)
-        writes a timestamped system-exclusive midi message.
+        """Output a timestamped system-exclusive MIDI message on this device.
+        Usage::
+            WriteSysEx(<timestamp>, <msg>)
         <msg> can be a *list* or a *string*
-        example:
-            (assuming y is an input MIDI stream)
-            y.WriteSysEx(0,'\\xF0\\x7D\\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\xF7')
-                              is equivalent to
-            y.WriteSysEx(pypm.Time,
-            [0xF0, 0x7D, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0xF7])
+        Example (assuming 'out' is an output MIDI stream):
+            out.WriteSysEx(0, '\\xF0\\x7D\\x10\\x11\\x12\\x13\\xF7')
+        This is equivalent to::
+            out.WriteSysEx(pypm.Time(),
+                [0xF0, 0x7D, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0xF7])
         cdef PmError err
         cdef char *cmsg
-        cdef PtTimestamp CurTime
+        cdef PtTimestamp cur_time
         if type(msg) is list:
-            msg = array.array('B',msg).tostring() # Markus Pfaff contribution
+             # Markus Pfaff contribution
+            msg = array.array('B', msg).tostring()
         cmsg = msg
-        CurTime = Pt_Time()
+        cur_time = Pt_Time()
         err = Pm_WriteSysEx(self.midi, when, <unsigned char *> cmsg)
-        if err < 0 : raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
-        while Pt_Time() == CurTime: # wait for SysEx to go thru
-            pass                    # win32 machine crashes w/ multiple SysEx
+        if err < 0:
+            raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
+        # wait for SysEx to go thru or...
+        # my win32 machine crashes w/ multiple SysEx
+        while Pt_Time() == cur_time:
+            pass
+cdef class Input:
+    """Represents an input MIDI stream device.
+    Takes the form::
+        input = pypm.Input(input_device)
-cdef class Input:
-class Input:
-    define an input MIDI stream. Takes the form:
-        x = pypm.Input(MidiInputDevice)
-    """
+    cdef int device
     cdef PmStream *midi
     cdef int debug
-    cdef int i
-    def __init__(self, InputDevice, buffersize=4096):
+    def __init__(self, input_device, buffersize=4096):
+        """Instantiate MIDI input stream object."""
         cdef PmError err
-        self.i = InputDevice
+        self.device = input_device
         self.debug = 0
-        err= Pm_OpenInput(&(self.midi),self.i,NULL,buffersize,&Pt_Time,NULL)
-        if err < 0: raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
-        if self.debug: print "MIDI input opened."
+        err = Pm_OpenInput(&(self.midi), input_device, NULL, buffersize,
+                           &Pt_Time, NULL)
+        if err < 0:
+            raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
+        if self.debug:
+            print "MIDI input opened."
     def __dealloc__(self):
+        """Close midi device if still open when the instance is destroyed."""
         cdef PmError err
-        if self.debug: print "Closing MIDI input stream and destroying 
-        err = Pm_Close(self.midi)
-        if err < 0:
-            raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
+        if self.debug:
+            print "Closing MIDI input stream and destroying instance"
+        if self.midi:
+            err = Pm_Close(self.midi)
+            if err < 0:
+                raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
+    def _check_open(self):
+        """Check whether midi device is open, and if not, raises an error.
-    def _check_open(self):
-        """ checks to see if the midi is open, and if not, raises an error.
+        Internal method, should be used only by other methods of this class.
         if self.midi == NULL:
-            raise Exception, "midi Input not open."
+            raise Exception("midi Input not open.")
+    def Close(self):
+        """Close the midi input device.
-    def Close(self):
+        PortMidi attempts to close open streams when the application exits --
+        this is particularly difficult under Windows, so it is best to take
+        care to close all devices explicitly.
-    closes a midi stream, flushing any pending buffers.
-    (PortMidi attempts to close open streams when the application
-    exits -- this is particularly difficult under Windows.)
-        """
-        #if not self.midi:
-        #    return
+        cdef PmError err
-        err = Pm_Close(self.midi)
-        if err < 0:
-            raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
-        #self.midi = NULL
+        if not self.midi:
+            return
+        if self.midi:
+            err = Pm_Close(self.midi)
+            if err < 0:
+                raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
+        self.midi = NULL
     def SetFilter(self, filters):
-        """
-    SetFilter(<filters>) sets filters on an open input stream
-    to drop selected input types. By default, only active sensing
-    messages are filtered. To prohibit, say, active sensing and
-    sysex messages, call
-    SetFilter(stream, FILT_ACTIVE | FILT_SYSEX);
+        """Set filters on an open input stream.
-    Filtering is useful when midi routing or midi thru functionality
-    is being provided by the user application.
-    For example, you may want to exclude timing messages
-    (clock, MTC, start/stop/continue), while allowing note-related
-    messages to pass. Or you may be using a sequencer or drum-machine
-    for MIDI clock information but want to exclude any notes
-    it may play.
+        Usage::
-    Note: SetFilter empties the buffer after setting the filter,
-    just in case anything got through.
+            input.SetFilter(filters)
+        Filters are used to drop selected input event types. By default, only
+        active sensing messages are filtered. To prohibit, say, active sensing
+        and sysex messages, call
+        ::
+            input.SetFilter(FILT_ACTIVE | FILT_SYSEX);
+        Filtering is useful when midi routing or midi thru functionality is
+        being provided by the user application. For example, you may want to
+        exclude timing messages (clock, MTC, start/stop/continue), while
+        allowing note-related messages to pass. Or you may be using a sequencer
+        or drum-machine for MIDI clock information but want to exclude any
+        notes it may play.
+        .. note::
+            SetFilter empties the buffer after setting the filter,
+            just in case anything got through.
         cdef PmEvent buffer[1]
         cdef PmError err
         err = Pm_SetFilter(self.midi, filters)
-        if err < 0: raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
+        if err < 0:
+            raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
         while(Pm_Poll(self.midi) != pmNoError):
+            err = Pm_Read(self.midi, buffer, 1)
+            if err < 0:
+                raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
-            err = Pm_Read(self.midi,buffer,1)
-            if err < 0: raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
+    def SetChannelMask(self, mask):
+        """Set channel mask to filter incoming messages based on channel.
-    def SetChannelMask(self, mask):
+        The mask is a 16-bit bitfield corresponding to appropriate channels
+        Channel(<channel>) can assist in calling this function, i.e. to
+        receive only input on channel 1, call this method like this::
+            SetChannelMask(Channel(1))
+        Multiple channels should be OR'd together::
+            SetChannelMask(Channel(10) | Channel(11))
+        .. note::
+            The PyPortMidi Channel function has been altered from the original
+            PortMidi C call to correct for what seems to be a bug --- i.e.
+            channel filters were all numbered from 0 to 15 instead of 1 to 16.
-    SetChannelMask(<mask>) filters incoming messages based on channel.
-    The mask is a 16-bit bitfield corresponding to appropriate channels
-    Channel(<channel>) can assist in calling this function.
-    i.e. to set receive only input on channel 1, call with
-    SetChannelMask(Channel(1))
-    Multiple channels should be OR'd together, like
-    SetChannelMask(Channel(10) | Channel(11))
-    note: PyPortMidi Channel function has been altered from
-          the original PortMidi c call to correct for what
-          seems to be a bug --- i.e. channel filters were
-          all numbered from 0 to 15 instead of 1 to 16.
-        """
         cdef PmError err
-        err = Pm_SetChannelMask(self.midi,mask)
-        if err < 0: raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
+        err = Pm_SetChannelMask(self.midi, mask)
+        if err < 0:
+            raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
     def Poll(self):
+        """Test whether input is available.
+        Returns TRUE if input can be read, FALSE otherwise, or an error value.
-    Poll tests whether input is available,
-    returning TRUE, FALSE, or an error value.
-        """
         cdef PmError err
         err = Pm_Poll(self.midi)
-        if err < 0: raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(err)
+        if err < 0:
+            raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(err))
         return err
-    def Read(self,length):
+    def Read(self, max_events):
+        """Read and return up to max_events events from input.
+        Reads up to max_events midi events stored in the input buffer and
+        returns them as a list in the following form::
+            [
+                [[status, data1, data2, data3], timestamp],
+                [[status, data1, data2, data3], timestamp],
+                ...
+            ]
-Read(length): returns up to <length> midi events stored in
-the buffer and returns them as a list:
- [[status,data1,data2,data3],timestamp],...]
-example: Read(50) returns all the events in the buffer,
-         up to 50 events.
-        """
         cdef PmEvent buffer[1024]
+        cdef PmError num_events
-        x = []
-        if length > 1024: raise IndexError, 'maximum buffer length is 1024'
-        if length < 1: raise IndexError, 'minimum buffer length is 1'
-        NumEvents = Pm_Read(self.midi,buffer,length)
-        if NumEvents < 0: raise Exception, Pm_GetErrorText(NumEvents)
-        x=[]
-        if NumEvents >= 1:
-            for loop in range(NumEvents):
-                 x.append([[buffer[loop].message & 0xff, (buffer[loop].message 
>> 8) & 0xFF, (buffer[loop].message >> 16) & 0xFF, (buffer[loop].message >> 24) 
& 0xFF], buffer[loop].timestamp])
-        return x
+        if max_events > 1024:
+            raise ValueError('Maximum buffer length is 1024.')
+        if not max_events:
+            raise ValueError('Minimum buffer length is 1.')
+        num_events = Pm_Read(self.midi, buffer, max_events)
+        if num_events < 0:
+            raise Exception(Pm_GetErrorText(num_events))
+        events = []
+        if num_events >= 1:
+            for ev_no in range(num_events):
+                events.append(
+                    [
+                        [
+                            buffer[ev_no].message & 0xFF,
+                            (buffer[ev_no].message >> 8) & 0xFF,
+                            (buffer[ev_no].message >> 16) & 0xFF,
+                            (buffer[ev_no].message >> 24) & 0xFF
+                        ],
+                        buffer[ev_no].timestamp
+                    ]
+                )
+        return events

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