On Thu, Mar 03, 2011 at 10:06:34PM -0800, Lenard Lindstrom wrote:
> One advantage with formal documentation is it can be kept synchronized  
> with Python doc strings. The current Pygame doc system does this in a  
> limited way. Hopefully a move to reST will encourage even greater  
> coordination. How would this be done with a wiki? Only the author of a  
> new Pygame feature knows what it should actually do. Unfortunately the  
> existing docs containing many second hand guesses. How will a wiki give  
> better descriptions. As a developer, it is as easy for me to edit the  
> docs in SVN as a wiki page. The Python approach to cooperative  
> documenting is to encourage users to submit patches which are then  
> incorporated into the formal documents. But this is not to discourage a  
> wiki document. But maybe it can complement the formal docs, be more of a  
> user's guide then a api reference.
> Lenard

Just a thought-- is there any possible interface where volunteers could 
have a wiki-like interface for contributing updates directly to the reST 
format docs?

James Paige

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