
Here is a reasonably new installer for Python 2.7:


July 30, 2010 - md5sum
0c07ba255ec98e9e28aa117cc99b9b34 *pygame-1.9.2a0.win32-py2.7.msi

It is one I built.

Lenard Lindstrom

On 01/04/11 09:34 AM, Jake b wrote:
pygame.org's windows installer didn't have a version for 2.7

There is a link for an offsite version, but the link is broken. [it's
javascript, not a real url. maybe it's been compromised?]

I'm looking for Python 2.7, win32.

This page has no 2.7 build

I thought maybe pygame for 2.6 would work, since 2.7 is just bug fixes
-- but it didn't.

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