> > I don't particularly like Eclipse... seems pretty bloated especially
> > for Python. For a Java developer I'm sure it's great but I don't
> > get a happy feeling when I start it up, and for us game programmers
> > it's all about the happy.

It is bloated, yet - after having tried a lot of various IDE's - I
still think it's the best free (as in freedom) choice if you care for
debugging, git integration, plugins for other syntax (yaml, json...),
etc... True: it takes 20 seconds to fire up, but then [at least for me]
it's open the best part of the day and it's snappy enough even on my 5
years old laptop.

> > Is anybody particularly enthusiastic about their IDE? Anybody use a
> > black-on-white or similar color scheme?

I recently tried Ninja (http://ninja-ide.org/) it's specifically
designed for python, light, and supports color schemes. Current stable
version is 1.1 with version 2.0beta coming out 23/9. Personally I found
it still too rudimental to win over gedit with the appropriate plugins,
but nevertheless I liked the approach the devs have chosen, and look
forward to see what version 2.0 will bring up.


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