Hi Toni,
The new float Rect would not subclass pygame.Rect, as it would have float rather that integer fields. Also, a scaled Surface would automatically return the float Rect.
Having Rect subclass methods return subclass instances is still an issue though. Currently new Rect creation at the C level bypasses the normal Python level methods. I suppose for subclasses, the class call approach can be taken. But I am somewhat uncomfortable about the signature compatibility requirement. It cannot easily be enforced at the declaration level; an incompatible signature would only get caught during a method call. It would also break existing Rect subclasses that depend on a Rect instance being returned, if there are any. It should be noted that builtin Python type methods do not return subclasses either. Anyway, this is getting off track for this thread. But improved handling of subclasses is being considered.
Lenard Lindstrom
On Sep 27, 2011, Toni Alatalo <ant...@kyperjokki.fi> wrote:

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